Section 8-4.5-5-6 - Permitted costsThe following costs may be paid from a grant made under this chapter:
(1) Real property acquisition costs, including appraisal costs and negotiation costs.(2) Trail surfacing, resurfacing, rehabilitation, modernization, upgrading, and reconstruction, including pavement repairs and overlays and shoulder widening and stabilization.(3) Initial trail construction, including grading, drainage, paving, and erosion control.(4) Bridge and culvert repair, modernization, replacement, or initial construction.(5) Roadway intersection and interchange improvements, including warranted traffic signals that are an integral part of the project.(6) Construction or improvement of rest areas, information centers, waysides, permanent interpretive displays, lighting, and restrooms, including the costs of utility connections that are an integral part of the project.(7) Design engineering and construction inspection costs directly associated with the project.(8) Storm drainage and storm sewer costs to the extent needed for draining the trail.(9) Utility relocation costs necessary for trail construction or improvement if the utility is not located on a public road.(10) Trail signs, fencing, landscaping, parking areas, and walkways.As added by P.L. 40-1995, SEC.3.