Section 8-4.5-5-11 - Review and evaluation of applications(a) The board: (1) shall review each application;(2) may verify the contents of an application; and(3) may visit the trail site that is the subject of an application.(b) The board shall evaluate each complete application on the basis of the following criteria: (1) Whether the predicted use of the trail justifies the construction and maintenance costs.(2) Need, in terms of the population to be served and existing trails in the area.(3) Compatibility with local, areawide, regional, or statewide plans.(4) The acceptability of the proposed trail to property owners.(5) The general acceptability of the proposed trail to the community at large.(6) Benefits of multiple uses and recreational opportunities.(8) Economic benefits to the local area.(9) Accessibility for persons with disabilities.(10) Interference with any existing public utility use.(11) Other criteria set by the board.(c) The board shall determine the applicants to whom grants will be awarded.As added by P.L. 40-1995, SEC.3. Amended by P.L. 158-1999, SEC.14.