Section 8-16-3.5-5.5 - Contracts with profit corporations; competitive bidding procedure Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a contract of lease with any profit corporation is subject to competitive bid and may only be entered into after compliance with the following:
(1) The lessee shall prepare and place on file in the lessee's offices a proposed lease and complete drawings and specifications for the bridge described in section 1 of this chapter to include necessary equipment and appurtenances to the equipment. The lease must be complete in its terms except for total rental or other consideration which is subject to bid provided for in this section.(2) After that, the lessee shall publish a notice in accordance with IC 5-3-1 informing the public and potential lessors of the general nature of the lease and of the fact that the proposed lease, drawings, and specifications are on file in the office, and calling for sealed proposals for the contract of lease on a specific date not earlier than ten (10) days after the first day of publication.(3) The lessee shall require each bidder to file with the lessee an affidavit that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, entered into any combination, collusion, undertaking, or agreement with any other bidder to maintain the price of the bid, or to prevent any other bidder from bidding, or to induce any bidder to refrain from bidding, and that the bid is made without regard or reference to any other bid, and without any agreement, understanding, or combination, either directly or indirectly, with any other person with reference to the bidding. If, after any contract of lease has been let by the lessee, it shall appear that the successful bidder has been guilty of any collusion, combination, undertaking, or agreement, as defined in the affidavit, the bidder shall forfeit the contract of lease, and the contract of lease shall be relet by the lessee.(4) The lessee may, in the lessee's discretion, fix a later day for receiving the bids, provided that the date shall be mentioned in each of the notices.(5) The lessee shall, if a satisfactory bid is received, let control of the lease to the lowest and best bidder.(6) The lessee may, by order, impose further conditions upon bidders with regard to bond and surety, guaranteeing the good faith and responsibility of the word provided for in the proposed contract of lease, or insuring the faithful completion of the terms of the proposed contract of lease, or for any other purpose.(Formerly: Acts1975 , P.L. 92, SEC.2.) As amended by P.L. 86-1988, SEC.28.