Section 8-16-3.5-1 - Contracts of lease; taxpayers' petitions(a) A county may lease a bridge and pay the lease rental from the cumulative bridge fund and levy under IC 8-16-3.(b) A contract of lease may not be entered into unless there is first filed with the county executive a petition for a longer lease, signed by fifty (50) or more taxpaying citizens of the county, and the county executive has, after investigation, determined that a need exists for the bridge. The total annual dollar obligation under all contracts of lease for bridges made by a county may not exceed the county's estimated annual revenue from a cumulative bridge fund levy of twenty cents ($0.20) on each one hundred dollars ($100) on all taxable personal and real property within the county.(Formerly: Acts1975 , P.L. 92, SEC.2.) As amended by P.L. 86-1988, SEC.23.