- Section 35-33-5-0.1 - Application of certain amendments to chapter
- Section 35-33-5-0.5 - Definitions
- Section 35-33-5-1 - Issuance by court; probable cause; oath and affirmation; "place" defined; objects of search
- Section 35-33-5-2 - Affidavit; descriptions; information to establish credibility of hearsay; form
- Section 35-33-5-3 - Form
- Section 35-33-5-4 - Return; initial disposition of property seized
- Section 35-33-5-5 - Disposition of property held as evidence; preservation of evidence of a violent offense that could be subjected to DNA testing; records
- Section 35-33-5-5.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 35-33-5-6 - Dead body; search of building or place; affidavit
- Section 35-33-5-7 - Execution of search warrant; forcible entry; wrongful entry; recovery of damages
- Section 35-33-5-8 - Issue of warrant without affidavit; types of sworn testimony; procedures; perjury
- Section 35-33-5-9 - Unmanned aerial vehicles; search warrant; exceptions
- Section 35-33-5-10 - Admissibility of evidence; unmanned aerial vehicles
- Section 35-33-5-11 - Electronic user data held in electronic storage
- Section 35-33-5-12 - Use of real time tracking instruments; geolocation information
- Section 35-33-5-13 - Immunity from civil or criminal liability
- Section 35-33-5-14 - Notice to news media concerning search warrants
- Section 35-33-5-15 - Provision of geolocation information; law enforcement agency request; emergency contact information