Section 27-1-20-30 - Rebate of premium or commission; unfair competition(a) This section does not prohibit activities allowed under IC 27-1-47.(b) No company acting through its officers or members, attorney-in-fact, or by any other party, no officer of a company acting on the officer's own behalf and no insurance producer, broker, or solicitor, personally or by any other party, shall offer, promise, allow, give, set off or pay, directly or indirectly, any rebate of or part of the premium payable on a policy, or any insurance producer's commission thereon, or earnings, profits, dividends or other benefits founded, arising, accruing, or to accrue thereon or therefrom, or any special advantage in date of policy or age of issue, or any paid employment or contract for services of any kind, or any other valuable consideration or inducement, to or for insurance on any risk in this state, now or hereafter to be written, or for or upon any renewal of any such insurance, which is not specified in the policy contract of insurance, or offer, promise, give, option, sell or purchase any stocks, bonds, securities, or property, or any dividends or profits accruing or to accrue thereon, or other thing of value whatsoever as inducement to insurance or in connection therewith, or any renewal thereof, which is not specified in the policy. Nothing in this section shall prevent a company which transacts industrial life insurance on a weekly payment plan from returning to policyholders who have made a premium payment for a period of at least one (1) year directly to the company at its home or district office a percentage of premium which the company would otherwise have paid for the weekly collection of such premium, nor shall this section be construed to prevent the taking of a bona fide obligation, with legal interest, in payment of any premium.(c) No insured person or party or applicant for insurance shall directly or indirectly, receive or accept, or agree to receive or accept, any rebate of premium or of any part thereof, or all or any part of any insurance producer's or broker's commission thereon, or any favor or advantage, or share in any benefit to accrue under any policy of insurance, or any valuable consideration or inducement, other than such as are specified in the policy.Amended by P.L. 196-2021,SEC. 20, eff. 7/1/2021.(Formerly: Acts 1935, c.162, s.273.) As amended by Acts1978 , P.L. 2, SEC.2713; P.L. 178-2003, SEC.20.