Section 25-31.5-4-2 - Educational requirements(a) The education requirement for registration as a professional soil scientist consists of a bachelor's degree or advanced degree in soil science or a closely allied field in which the curriculum includes the following: (1) At least fifteen (15) semester hours of course work in the soil sciences, including at least three (3) semester hours in courses that emphasize the field study of soils, such as soil genesis, morphology, classification, interpretation, and mapping.(2) At least forty-five (45) semester hours of course work in supporting sciences, including biology, chemistry, crop science, engineering, geology, mathematics, physics, and statistics.(b) The board shall determine which courses fulfill the requirements set forth in subsection (a)(1).(c) The board shall specify the minimum number of credits in each type of supporting science needed to satisfy the requirement described in subsection (a)(2).(d) If course credits used by an applicant to qualify for registration are in units other than semester hours, the board shall use the most generally accepted factor to convert the units to semester hour equivalents.As added by P.L. 244-2001, SEC.1.