Section 25-26-22-5 - Audit requirements An auditor conducting an audit shall comply with all of the following:
(1) The contract under which the audit is performed must provide a description of audit procedures that will be followed.(2) For an onsite audit conducted at a pharmacy's location, the auditor that conducts the audit shall provide written notice to the pharmacy at least two (2) weeks before the initial onsite audit is performed for each audit cycle.(3) The auditor shall not interfere with the delivery of pharmacist services to a patient and shall use every effort to minimize inconvenience and disruption to pharmacy operations during the audit. This subdivision does not prohibit audits during normal business hours of the pharmacy.(4) If the audit requires use of clinical or professional judgment, the audit must be conducted by or in consultation with a licensed pharmacist.(5) The auditor shall allow the use of written or otherwise transmitted hospital, physician, or other health practitioner records to validate a pharmacy record with respect to a prescription for a legend drug.(6) The auditor shall perform the audit according to the same standards and parameters that the auditor uses to audit all other similarly situated pharmacies on behalf of the third party payer.(7) The period covered by the audit must not exceed twenty-four (24) months after the date on which the claim that is the subject of the audit was submitted to or adjudicated by the third party payer, and the pharmacy must be permitted to resubmit electronically any claims disputed by the audit. This subdivision does not limit the period for audits under the Medicaid program that are conducted due to a federal requirement.(8) The audit must not be initiated or scheduled during the first seven (7) calendar days of any month without the voluntary consent of the pharmacy. The consent may not be mandated by a contract or any other means.(9) Payment to the onsite auditor for conducting the audit must not be based on a percentage of any amount recovered as a result of the audit.(10) Within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving the notice of an audit, a pharmacy may reschedule the audit to a date not more than fourteen (14) days after the date proposed by the auditor. However, if the auditor is unable to reschedule within the fourteen (14) day period, the auditor shall select and reschedule the audit for a date after the fourteen (14) day period.(11) This subdivision does not apply to an audit conducted by the Medicaid program. If a clerical error is identified by the auditor during the course of an audit, the auditor shall allow the pharmacy to obtain a prescription that corrects the clerical error from the prescribing physician. However, if the clerical error results in an overpayment to the pharmacy, the overpayment may be recouped by the third party payer.Amended by P.L. 159-2012, SEC. 10, eff. 7/1/2012.As added by P.L. 7-2009, SEC.1.