Section 24-3-2-4.7 - Failure to provide documentary evidence of distributor; penalty; seizure of cigarettes or other tobacco products(a) A retailer shall produce an invoice or other documentary evidence proving that the retailer obtained cigarettes or a tobacco product (as defined in IC 6-7-2-5) from a distributor that holds a valid registration certificate.(b) Each day a retailer fails to produce an invoice or other evidence under subsection (a) constitutes a separate violation of this section.(c) This subsection applies in addition to or instead of any other civil or criminal penalty. The department or the department of state revenue may impose on a retailer that violates subsection (a) a civil penalty that does not exceed the greater of:(1) five hundred percent (500%) of the retail value of the cigarettes described in subsection (a); or(2) five thousand dollars ($5,000); for each violation.
(d) In addition to any other penalty described in this section, the department or the department of state revenue may seize the cigarettes or other tobacco products for which the retailer is unable to produce the invoice or documentary evidence described in subsection (a). The seized cigarettes or other tobacco products shall be forfeited to the state and destroyed.(e) Civil penalties collected under this chapter shall be deposited as follows: (1) Seventy percent (70%) to the enforcement and administration fund established under IC 7.1-4-10.(2) Thirty percent (30%) to the state general fund for the use of the department of state revenue.As added by P.L. 252-2003, SEC.14.