Section 24-14-9-1 - Prohibited actions for towing companies A towing company shall not do any of the following:
(1) Falsely represent, either expressly or by implication, that the towing company represents or is approved by any organization that provides emergency road service for disabled motor vehicles.(2) Require the owner or operator of a disabled motor vehicle to preauthorize: (B) more than twenty-four (24) hours of storage; as a condition for providing towing service for the disabled motor vehicle.
(3) Charge more than one (1) towing fee when the owner or operator of a disabled motor vehicle requests that the disabled motor vehicle be towed to a repair facility owned or operated by the towing company.(4) Tow a motor vehicle to a repair facility unless:(A) either: (i) the owner of the motor vehicle; or(ii) the owner's designated representative; gives consent for the motor vehicle to be towed to the repair facility; and
(B) the consent described in clause (A) is given before the motor vehicle is removed from the location from which it is to be towed.The prohibition set forth in this subdivision does not apply in any case in which a towing company tows a motor vehicle to a storage facility that includes a repair facility on the same site.
Added by P.L. 281-2019,SEC. 5, eff. 7/1/2019.