Ind. Code § 20-49-2-13
STEP ONE: Add the ADA of students in grades 1 through 12 of the school corporation during the current school year in which application for an advancement is made and twice the ADA increase of the school corporation for the preceding three (3) years. However, the state board may make adjustments to reflect the effect of changes of boundary lines, loss of transfer students, or loss of resident students to private, parochial, or cooperative program schools within the three (3) year period.
STEP TWO: Divide the STEP ONE amount by twenty-five (25) to determine the number of classrooms needed to house the estimated enrollment increase.
STEP THREE: Subtract from the STEP TWO amount the number of classrooms that:
However, there shall not be subtracted classrooms in a building or buildings found to be inadequate for the proper education of students under standards and procedures prescribed by the state board or that have been condemned and that are to be replaced by funds applied for.
STEP FOUR: Multiply the STEP THREE amount by twenty thousand dollars ($20,000).
STEP ONE: Determine six and one-half percent (6 1/2%) of the adjusted value of taxable property in a school corporation as determined under IC 36-1-15-4 for state and county taxes immediately preceding the date of application.
STEP TWO: Subtract from the STEP ONE amount the sum of the following:
If the school corporation's tax ability is less than one hundred dollars ($100), the school corporation's tax ability is considered for purposes of this section as being one hundred dollars ($100).
IC 20-49-2-13
Pre-2006 Recodification Citation: 21-1-11-5.