Section 20-25-5-11 - Annexation by school corporations; procedure(a) An annexation may be effected if an acquiring school corporation and a losing school corporation each adopts a substantially identical annexation resolution that contains the following items:(1) A description of the annexed territory. The description must, as near as reasonably possible, be by streets and other boundaries known by common names. The description does not need to include a legal description unless a legal description is necessary to identify the annexed territory. A notice is not defective if there is a good faith compliance with this section and if the area designated may be ascertained with reasonable certainty by a person skilled in the area of real estate description.(2) The time the annexation takes place. The time the annexation takes place may vary with respect to the different parts of the annexed territory. If the entire annexed territory is contiguous to the acquiring school corporation, the annexed territory may be annexed so that some parts may not be contiguous to the annexed territory for temporary periods.(3) The terms and conditions facilitating education of students in the annexed territory, losing school corporation, or acquiring school corporation. The terms may include, but are not limited to, the continued attendance by students in the annexed territory at schools in the losing school corporation for specified periods after annexation on a transfer basis. If a student in an annexed territory attends a school in a losing school corporation under this subdivision, transfer tuition for the student must be paid by the acquiring school corporation to the losing school corporation in the manner and at the rates provided by the statutes governing the computation and payment of transfer tuition costs.(4) The: (A) disposition of assets and liabilities of the losing school corporation to the acquiring school corporation;(B) allocation between the acquiring school corporation and losing school corporation of subsequently collected school taxes levied on property in the annexed territory; and(C) amount, if any, to be paid by the acquiring school corporation to the losing school corporation on account of property received from the losing school corporation. The disposition, allocation, and amount must be equitable.
(b) After the adoption of the resolutions under subsection (a), notice shall be given by publication in both the acquiring school corporation and the losing school corporation. The notice must include the text of the resolution, a statement that the resolution has been adopted, and a statement that a right of remonstrance exists as provided in this chapter. It is not necessary to set out the remonstrance provisions of this chapter in the notice. A general reference to a right of remonstrance with a reference to this chapter is sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this subsection. The annexation must take effect not later than thirty (30) days after the publication of the notice or at the time provided in the resolution, whichever is later. However, the annexation is not required to take effect within the period required by this subsection if a remonstrance, based on a ground other than that set out in section 14(a)(5) of this chapter, is filed in the circuit or superior court of the county in which the annexed territory or any part of the annexed territory is located. The remonstrance must be filed by registered voters residing in the losing school corporation at least equal in number to the greater of:(1) ten percent (10%) of the number of registered voters residing in the losing school corporation; or(2) fifty-one percent (51%) of the number of registered voters residing in the annexed territory.Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-3-14-3.
As added by P.L. 1-2005, SEC.9.