Section 20-25-13-3 - Plan requirements A staff performance evaluation plan must do the following:
(1) Provide for evaluation of the school's and the school's educators' performance based on the school's students' performance improvement level under IC 20-25-11, including the following:(A) Student achievement on assessment tests and assessment programs.(C) Scholastic aptitude test scores.(D) Other objective standards developed by the board for measuring student, teacher, and administrator performance improvement consistent with: (i) state academic standards; and(ii) student performance improvement levels developed under IC 20-25-11.(2) Provide for: (A) the continuing professional development; and(B) improvement of the performance; of the individuals evaluated.
(3) Require periodic assessment of the effectiveness of the plan.Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-3.1-11-3.
As added by P.L. 1-2005, SEC.9.