Section 16-32-5-2 - "Qualified recipient"As used in this chapter, "qualified recipient" means a recipient who has a disability and meets the eligibility requirements for receipt of an anatomical gift regardless of the use of the following:
(1) Individuals or entities available to support and assist the recipient with an anatomical gift or transplantation.(2) Auxiliary aids and services (as defined in IC 22-9-5-1).(3) Reasonable modifications to the policies, practices, or procedures of a covered entity, including modifications that allow for:(A) communication with one (1) or more individuals or entities available to support or assist with the recipient's care after surgery or transplantation; or(B) consideration of the availability of such individuals or entities when determining whether the recipient is able to comply with medical requirements following transplantation.Added by P.L. 2-2019,SEC. 8, eff. 7/1/2019.