Section 16-31-6-2.5 - Use of overdose intervention drugs; civil immunity(a) Except for an act of gross negligence or willful misconduct, an advanced emergency medical technician, a community corrections officer, an emergency medical responder, an emergency medical technician, a firefighter or volunteer firefighter, a law enforcement officer, a paramedic, or a probation officer who administers an overdose intervention drug according to standards established by: (1) the department or agency that oversees the individual's employment in providing emergency medical services; or(2) the commission under IC 16-31-2-9; to an individual suffering from an overdose is immune from civil liability for acts or omissions when administering the drug.
(b) If: (1) an advanced emergency medical technician;(2) a community corrections officer;(3) an emergency medical responder;(4) an emergency medical technician;(5) a firefighter or volunteer firefighter;(6) a law enforcement officer;(8) a probation officer; is immune from civil liability for the individual's act or omission when administering an overdose intervention drug, a person who has only an agency relationship with the advanced emergency medical technician, community corrections officer, emergency medical responder, emergency medical technician, firefighter or volunteer firefighter, law enforcement officer, paramedic, or probation officer is also immune from civil liability for the act or omission.
Amended by P.L. 4-2018,SEC. 3, eff. 7/1/2018.Amended by P.L. 32-2015, SEC. 6, eff. 4/17/2015.Added by P.L. 156-2014, SEC. 9, eff. 3/26/2014.