- Section 16-21-2-1 - Applicability
- Section 16-21-2-2 - Licensure and regulation of entities
- Section 16-21-2-2.3 - Adoption of rules concerning food and dietetic services
- Section 16-21-2-2.5 - Adoption of rules concerning birthing centers; penalties
- Section 16-21-2-2.6 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-21-2-3 - Determination of coverage of chapter; review
- Section 16-21-2-4 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-21-2-5 - Hospital governing board; responsibilities
- Section 16-21-2-6 - Hospital governing board; disciplinary actions; reports; immunity
- Section 16-21-2-7 - Medical staff; responsibilities
- Section 16-21-2-8 - Retrospective medical review; medical staff committee members; immunity
- Section 16-21-2-9 - Practice of medicine not authorized by chapter; performance of health care services not prohibited
- Section 16-21-2-10 - Necessity of license
- Section 16-21-2-11 - License form and information; tax warrant list
- Section 16-21-2-11.5 - Construction projects; prior notice and hearing
- Section 16-21-2-12 - License; application; fee
- Section 16-21-2-13 - Licensure issuance; recognized accrediting organization; investigation; survey; effect
- Section 16-21-2-13.5 - Common accrediting and licensure standards; notification to recognized accrediting organization of changes in state law
- Section 16-21-2-14 - License; expiration; not transferable; premises; posting; renewal
- Section 16-21-2-14.5 - Physician to be on site and on duty while emergency department is open
- Section 16-21-2-15 - Physician to be on duty at all times at hospital with at least 100 beds
- Section 16-21-2-15.4 - Hospital procedures to aid in the identification of newborns and reduction of newborn and infant abductions; prerequisites to licensure
- Section 16-21-2-15.7 - Visitation; requirements; limitation on number of visitors; immunity
- Section 16-21-2-16 - Third party billing notice
- Section 16-21-2-17 - "Born alive"; hospital duties; determination of perinatal level of care; penalties; discipline