Section 16-18-2-179 - "Hospital"(a) "Hospital", except as provided in subsections (b) through (g), means a hospital that is licensed under IC 16-21-2.(b) "Hospital", for purposes of IC 16-21, means an institution, a place, a building, or an agency that holds out to the general public that it is operated for hospital purposes and that it provides care, accommodations, facilities, and equipment, in connection with the services of a physician, to individuals who may need medical or surgical services. The term does not include the following: (1) Freestanding health facilities.(2) Hospitals or institutions specifically intended to diagnose, care, and treat the following: (A) Individuals with a mental illness (as defined in IC 12-7-2-117.6).(B) Individuals with developmental disabilities (as defined in IC 12-7-2-61).(3) Offices of physicians where patients are not regularly kept as bed patients.(4) Convalescent homes, boarding homes, or homes for the aged.(5) Rural emergency hospitals.(c) "Hospital", for purposes of IC 16-22-8, has the meaning set forth in IC 16-22-8-5.(d) "Hospital", for purposes of IC 16-23.5, has the meaning set forth in IC 16-23.5-1-9.(e) "Hospital" or "tuberculosis hospital", for purposes of IC 16-24, means an institution or a facility for the treatment of individuals with tuberculosis.(f) "Hospital", for purposes of IC 16-34, means a hospital (as defined in subsection (b)) that: (1) is required to be licensed under IC 16-21-2; or(2) is operated by an agency of the United States.(g) "Hospital", for purposes of IC 16-41-12, has the meaning set forth in IC 16-41-12-6.Pre-1993 Recodification Citations: 16-1-8-1 part; 16-1-8.5-1; 16-8-7-1(b) part; 16-10-1-6(a); 16-12-21-1; 16-12.1-1-2(d), 35-1-58.5-1(c).
Amended by P.L. 147-2023,SEC. 1, eff. 7/1/2023.As added by P.L. 2-1993, SEC.1. Amended by P.L. 144-1996, SEC.1; P.L. 162-1999, SEC.3; P.L. 2-2007, SEC.186; P.L. 99-2007, SEC.154.