Section 15-16-3-15 - Annual report to state chemist; information(a) A licensee that distributes or sells fertilizer to a person in Indiana shall furnish the state chemist with an annual report showing the: (1) quantity in tons; and(2) grade; of each fertilizer material used in tank mixed liquid fertilizer in each county.
(b) A report described under subsection (a) must include the:(2) range of concentration; of each pesticide incorporated with tank mixed liquid fertilizer.
(c) A report described under this section must be made: (1) on a form provided by the state chemist; or(2) by any other method approved by the state chemist.(d) A report required under this section must be filed with the state chemist before January 31 of the year following the year for which the report must be made.Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-3-3.3-15.
As added by P.L. 2-2008, SEC.7.