Section 15-11-9-1 - Center for value added research; duties The director shall perform the following duties:
(1) Work with each county to develop an annual strategic assessment of Indiana agricultural industries and establish targeted priorities for industry expansion.(2) Develop recommendations for legislative and administrative programs that will enhance economic development in the targeted agricultural industries.(3) Establish cooperative industry research and development initiatives that lead to new agricultural industry opportunities in Indiana.(4) Serve as a resource for industry in the planning, promotion, and development of value added agricultural products and agricultural industry opportunities in Indiana, including product feasibility, market feasibility, economic feasibility, product development, product testing, and test marketing.(5) Serve as a resource for industry and the state in attracting value added agricultural industry to Indiana.(6) Develop private sector research funding and technology transfer programs commensurate with the state's targeted agricultural industry economic development objectives.(7) Provide a forum for continuing dialogue among industry, government, and researchers in addressing the needs and opportunities for expanding the value added agricultural industry.Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 21-46-2-1.
As added by P.L. 2-2008, SEC.2. Amended by P.L. 1-2009, SEC.112.