Section 705 ILCS 405/5-815 - Habitual Juvenile Offender(a) Definition. Any minor having been twice adjudicated a delinquent minor for offenses which, had the minor been prosecuted as an adult, would have been felonies under the laws of this State, and who is thereafter adjudicated a delinquent minor for a third time shall be adjudged an Habitual Juvenile Offender where:1. the third adjudication is for an offense occurring after adjudication on the second; and2. the second adjudication was for an offense occurring after adjudication on the first; and3. the third offense occurred after January 1, 1980; and4. the third offense was based upon the commission of or attempted commission of the following offenses: first degree murder, second degree murder or involuntary manslaughter; criminal sexual assault or aggravated criminal sexual assault; aggravated or heinous battery involving permanent disability or disfigurement or great bodily harm to the victim; burglary of a home or other residence intended for use as a temporary or permanent dwelling place for human beings; home invasion; robbery or armed robbery; or aggravated arson. Nothing in this Section shall preclude the State's Attorney from seeking to prosecute a minor as an adult as an alternative to prosecution as a habitual juvenile offender.
A continuance under supervision authorized by Section 5-615 of this Act shall not be permitted under this Section.
(b) Notice to minor. The State shall serve upon the minor written notice of intention to prosecute under the provisions of this Section within 5 judicial days of the filing of any delinquency petition, adjudication upon which would mandate the minor's disposition as a Habitual Juvenile Offender.(c) Petition; service. A notice to seek adjudication as a Habitual Juvenile Offender shall be filed only by the State's Attorney. The petition upon which such Habitual Juvenile Offender notice is based shall contain the information and averments required for all other delinquency petitions filed under this Act and its service shall be according to the provisions of this Act.
No prior adjudication shall be alleged in the petition.
(d) Trial. Trial on such petition shall be by jury unless the minor demands, in open court and with advice of counsel, a trial by the court without jury. Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of this Act concerning delinquency proceedings generally shall be applicable to Habitual Juvenile Offender proceedings.
(e) Proof of prior adjudications. No evidence or other disclosure of prior adjudications shall be presented to the court or jury during any adjudicatory hearing provided for under this Section unless otherwise permitted by the issues properly raised in such hearing. In the event the minor who is the subject of these proceedings elects to testify on the minor's behalf, it shall be competent to introduce evidence, for purposes of impeachment, that the minor has previously been adjudicated a delinquent minor upon facts which, had the minor been tried as an adult, would have resulted in the minor's conviction of a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement. Introduction of such evidence shall be according to the rules and procedures applicable to the impeachment of an adult defendant by prior conviction. After an admission of the facts in the petition or adjudication of delinquency, the State's Attorney may file with the court a verified written statement signed by the State's Attorney concerning any prior adjudication of an offense set forth in subsection (a) of this Section which offense would have been a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement had the minor been tried as an adult.
The court shall then cause the minor to be brought before it; shall inform the minor of the allegations of the statement so filed, and of the minor's right to a hearing before the court on the issue of such prior adjudication and of the minor's right to counsel at such hearing; and unless the minor admits such adjudication, the court shall hear and determine such issue, and shall make a written finding thereon.
A duly authenticated copy of the record of any such alleged prior adjudication shall be prima facie evidence of such prior adjudication or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement.
Any claim that a previous adjudication offered by the State's Attorney is not a former adjudication of an offense which, had the minor been prosecuted as an adult, would have resulted in the minor's conviction of a felony or of any offense that involved dishonesty or false statement, is waived unless duly raised at the hearing on such adjudication, or unless the State's Attorney's proof shows that such prior adjudication was not based upon proof of what would have been a felony.
(f) Disposition. If the court finds that the prerequisites established in subsection (a) of this Section have been proven, it shall adjudicate the minor a Habitual Juvenile Offender and commit the minor to the Department of Juvenile Justice for a period of time as provided in subsection (3) of Section 5-750, subject to the target release date provisions as provided in subsection (c) of Section 3-2.5-85 of the Unified Code of Corrections.Amended by P.A. 103-0022,§ 65, eff. 8/8/2023.Amended by P.A. 102-0350,§ 10, eff. 8/13/2021.Amended by P.A. 098-0558,§ 65, eff. 1/1/2014.Amended by P.A. 094-0696, § 20, eff. 6/1/2006. P.A. 90-590, eff. 1-1-99.