705 ILCS 405/1-5
No hearing on any petition or motion filed under this Act may be commenced unless the minor who is the subject of the proceeding is represented by counsel. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if a guardian ad litem has been appointed for the minor under Section 2-17 of this Act and the guardian ad litem is a licensed attorney at law of this State, or in the event that a court appointed special advocate has been appointed as guardian ad litem and counsel has been appointed to represent the court appointed special advocate, the court may not require the appointment of counsel to represent the minor unless the court finds that the minor's interests are in conflict with what the guardian ad litem determines to be in the best interest of the minor. Each adult respondent shall be furnished a written "Notice of Rights" at or before the first hearing at which the adult respondent appears.
In addition to the foregoing right to be heard by the court, any current foster parent or relative caregiver of a minor and the agency designated by the court or the Department of Children and Family Services as custodian of the minor who is alleged to be or has been adjudicated an abused or neglected minor under Section 2-3 or a dependent minor under Section 2-4 of this Act has the right to and shall be given adequate notice at all stages of any hearing or proceeding under this Act.
Any foster parent or relative caregiver who is denied the right to be heard under this Section may bring a mandamus action under Article XIV of the Code of Civil Procedure against the court or any public agency to enforce that right. The mandamus action may be brought immediately upon the denial of those rights but in no event later than 30 days after the foster parent has been denied the right to be heard.
If the child is alleged to be abused, neglected or dependent, the court shall admonish the parents that if the court declares the child to be a ward of the court and awards custody or guardianship to the Department of Children and Family Services, the parents must cooperate with the Department of Children and Family Services, comply with the terms of the service plans, and correct the conditions that require the child to be in care, or risk termination of their parental rights.
Upon an adjudication of wardship of the court under Sections 2-22, 3-23, 4-20 or 5-705, the court shall inform the parties of their right to appeal therefrom as well as from any other final judgment of the court.
When the court finds that a child is an abused, neglected, or dependent minor under Section 2-21, the court shall admonish the parents that the parents must cooperate with the Department of Children and Family Services, comply with the terms of the service plans, and correct the conditions that require the child to be in care, or risk termination of their parental rights.
When the court declares a child to be a ward of the court and awards guardianship to the Department of Children and Family Services under Section 2-22, the court shall admonish the parents, guardian, custodian, or responsible relative that the parents must cooperate with the Department of Children and Family Services, comply with the terms of the service plans, and correct the conditions that require the child to be in care, or risk termination of their parental rights.
705 ILCS 405/1-5