705 ILCS 305/1
The county board of each county, except those counties which have a jury administrator or jury commissioners as provided in the Jury Commission Act, shall, at or before the time of its meeting, in September, in each year, or at any time thereafter, when necessary for the purpose of this Act, make a list of the legal voters and the Illinois driver's license, Illinois Identification Card, and Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card holders, and the claimants for unemployment insurance of the county, giving the place of residence of each name on the list, to be known as a jury list. The list shall be made by choosing every tenth name, or other whole number rate necessary to obtain the number required, from the latest voter registration and drivers license, Illinois Identification Card, and Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card holders and claimants for unemployment insurance lists of the county. In compiling the jury list, duplication of names shall be avoided to the extent practicable.
As used in this Act, "jury administrator" is defined as under Section 0.05 of the Jury Commission Act.
705 ILCS 305/1