235 ILCS 5/9-4
A petition for submission of the proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
To the .... clerk of the (here insert the corporate or legal name of the county, township, road district, city, village or incorporated town):
The undersigned, residents and legal voters of the .... (insert the legal name or correct designation of the political subdivision or precinct, as the case may be), respectfully petition that you cause to be submitted, in the manner provided by law, to the voters thereof, at the next election, the proposition "Shall the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor (or alcoholic liquor other than beer containing not more than 4% of alcohol by weight) (or alcoholic liquor containing more than 4% of alcohol by weight except in the original package and not for consumption on the premises) be prohibited in this .... (or at the following address ....)?" -------------------------------------------------------------
Name of P. O. address Description of precinct Date of
signer (including township, road district signing
street no., or part thereof, as of
if any). the last general
A petition for a proposition to be submitted to the voters of a precinct shall also contain in plain and nonlegal language a description of the precinct to which the proposition is to be submitted at the election. The description shall describe the territory of the precinct by reference to streets, natural or artificial landmarks, addresses, or by any other method which would enable a voter signing such petition to be informed of the territory of the precinct. Each such petition for a precinct referendum shall also contain a list of the names and addresses of all licensees in the precinct.
Such petition shall conform to the requirements of the general election law, as to form and signature requirements. The circulator's statement shall include an attestation of: (1) that none of the signatures on this petition sheet were signed more than 4 months before the filing of this petition, or (2) the dates on which the petitioners signed the petition, and shall be sworn to before an officer residing in the county where such legal voters reside and authorized to administer oaths therein. No signature shall be revoked except by a revocation filed within 20 days from the filing of the petition with the clerk with whom the petition is required to be filed. Upon request of any citizen for a photostatic copy of the petition and paying or tendering to the clerk the costs of making the photostatic copy, the clerk shall immediately make, or cause to be made a photostatic copy of such petition. The clerk shall also deliver to such person, his official certification that such copy is a true copy of the original, stating the day when such original was filed in his office. Any 5 legal voters or any affected licensee of any political subdivision, district or precinct in which a proposed election is about to be held as provided for in this Act, within any time up to 72 days immediately prior to the date of such proposed election and upon filing a bond for costs, may contest the validity of the petitions for such election by filing a verified petition in the Circuit Court for the county in which the political subdivision, district or precinct is situated, setting forth the grounds for contesting the validity of such petitions. Upon the filing of the petition, a summons shall be issued by the Court, addressed to the appropriate city, village, town, township or road district clerk, notifying the clerk of the filing of the petition and directing him to appear before the Court on behalf of the political subdivision or district at the time named in the summons; provided, the time shall not be less than 5 days nor more than 15 days after the filing of the petition. The procedure in these cases, as far as may be applicable, shall be the same as that provided for the objections to petitions in the general election law. Any legal voter in the political subdivision or precinct in which such election is to be held may appear in person or by counsel, in any such contest to defend or oppose the validity of the petition for election.
The municipal, town or road district clerk shall certify the proposition to be submitted at the election to the appropriate election officials, in accordance with the general election law, unless the petition has been determined to be invalid. If the court determines the petitions to be invalid subsequent to the certification by the clerk, the court's order shall be transmitted to the election officials and shall nullify such certification.
235 ILCS 5/9-4