225 ILCS 115/5
No person shall practice veterinary medicine and surgery in any of its branches without a valid license to do so. Any person not licensed under this Act who performs any of the functions described as the practice of veterinary medicine or surgery as defined in this Act, who announces to the public in any way an intention to practice veterinary medicine and surgery, who uses the title Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or the initials D.V.M. or V.M.D., or who opens an office, hospital, or clinic for such purposes is considered to have violated this Act and may be subject to all the penalties provided for such violations.
It shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed in this State to provide veterinary medical services from any state to a client or patient in this State through telephonic, electronic, or other means, except where a bonafide veterinarian-client-patient relationship exists.
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent members of other professions from performing functions for which they are duly licensed, subject to the requirements of Section 4 of this Act. Other professionals may not, however, hold themselves out or refer to themselves by any title or descriptions stating or implying that they are engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine or that they are licensed to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine.
225 ILCS 115/5