70 ILCS 2305/27
Any contiguous territory located within the boundaries of any sanitary district organized under this Act, and upon the border of such district, may become disconnected from such district in the manner following, to wit: 10% or more of the legal voters resident in the territory sought to be disconnected from such district, may petition the circuit court for the county in which such sanitary district is located to cause the question of whether such territory shall be disconnected to be submitted to the legal voters of such territory. Such petition shall be addressed to the court and shall contain a definite description of the boundaries of such territory and recite as a fact, that there is no outstanding bonded indebtedness of such sanitary district which was incurred or assumed while such territory was a part of such sanitary district and that no special assessments for local improvements were levied upon or assessed against any of the lands within such territory or, if so levied or assessed, that all of such assessments have been fully paid and discharged and that such territory is not, at the time of the filing of such petition, and will not be, either benefited or served by any work or improvements either then existing or then authorized by said sanitary district. Upon filing such petition in the office of the circuit clerk of the county in which such sanitary district is located it shall be the duty of the court to consider the boundaries of such territory and the facts upon which the petition is founded. The court may alter the boundaries of such territory and shall deny the prayer of the petition, if the material allegations therein contained are not founded in fact; a decision of said commissioners or a majority of them shall be conclusive and not subject to review.
Notice shall be given by the court of the time and place when and where all persons interested will be heard substantially as provided in and by Section 1 of this Act. The court shall certify its order and the question to the proper election officials who shall submit the question at an election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ For disconnection from sanitary district. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Against disconnection from sanitary district. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of disconnection, and if the trustees of such sanitary district shall, by ordinance, disconnect such territory, thereupon the court shall enter an appropriate order of record in the court and thereafter such territory shall thenceforth be deemed disconnected from such sanitary district.
70 ILCS 2305/27