35 ILCS 450/2-60

Current through Public Act 103-1059
Section 35 ILCS 450/2-60 - Transporters

When requested by the Department, all transporters of oil or gas out of, within or across the State of Illinois shall be required to furnish the Department such information relative to the transportation of such oil or gas as the Department may require. The Department shall have authority to inspect bills of lading, waybills, meter, or other charts, documents, books and records as may relate to the transportation of oil or gas in the hands of each transporter. The Department shall further be empowered to demand the production of such bills of lading, waybills, charts, documents, books, and records relating to the transportation of oil or gas at any point in the State of Illinois.

35 ILCS 450/2-60

Added by P.A. 098-0022,§ 2-60, eff. 6/17/2013.