Shall (here identify the districts to be dissolved by name and number) be dissolved and new school districts be established as follows: a new (here specify elementary, high school, or unit) district formed from all of the territory included within (here identify the existing school district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new school district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the school district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, and a new (here repeat the information for each new school district)?
The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or "No".
Shall a combined (here insert elementary, high, or unit) school district, with the authority to levy taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?
The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or "No".
Shall a unit district, with the authority to levy taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?
The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or "No".
Shall a combined high school - unit district formed from all of the territory included within (here identify existing school districts by name and number), serving the territory included within (here identify existing school district by name and number) only for high school purposes, with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new combined high school - unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-90 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?
The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or "No".
Shall an optional elementary unit district, with the authority to levy taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new optional elementary unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-95 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?
The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or "No".
Shall (here identify the districts to be dissolved by name and number) be dissolved and new school districts established as follows: a new elementary district formed from all of the territory included within (here identify the existing school district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new school district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the school district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, (here repeat the information for each new elementary school district), and a new combined high school - unit district formed from all of the territory included within (here identify the existing school district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new combined high school - unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-90 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the school district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue?
The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or "No".
Shall (here identify the elementary district by name and number) be dissolved and join (here identify the optional elementary unit district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the optional elementary unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-95 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue and shall (here identify the elementary district by name and number), prior to dissolution, issue funding bonds pursuant to Sections 19-8 and 19-9 of the School Code to liquidate any operational deficit or debt incurred or accumulated since the date of the election in which the proposition to form (here identify the optional elementary unit district by name and number) passed?
The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or "No".
105 ILCS 5/11E-60