A quorum of the port commission shall attend such hearing and shall explain the port budget and hear any objections thereto.
In the event the port district levy, excluding any sums levied in connection with any bonded indebtedness of the district, is in excess of three (3) mills, or six hundredths of one per cent (.06%) of market value for assessment purposes, for such fiscal year, and in the further event at such hearing that ten per cent (10%) of the number of electors voting in the area embraced by the port district in the most recent general election shall sign a petition calling for an election on the question of the tax levy which the port commission shall be authorized to make, then, in those events, the commission shall call and hold an election, subject to the provisions of section 34-106, Idaho Code, upon the question of the making of such levy provided that, in no case shall the authority of the port commission to determine and certify such general levy be limited below three (3) mills, or six hundredths of one per cent (.06%) of market value for assessment purposes, in any fiscal year, and such election shall be solely upon the question of any such levy in excess of three (3) mills, or six hundredths of one per cent (.06%) of market value for assessment purposes. At the election the majority of qualified electors voting in the whole port district shall determine whether or not the levy of the port commission in excess of said three (3) mills, or six hundredths of one per cent (.06%) of market value for assessment purposes, shall be certified to said county commissioners. Such levy shall in no event exceed the maximum levy provided in this chapter.
Idaho Code § 70-1706