Section 63-806 - WARRANT REDEMPTION FUND(1) Upon the same property and for the same year the county commissioners shall levy a property tax for the redemption of outstanding county warrants issued prior to the first day of October in said year, to be collected and paid into the county treasury and apportioned to the county warrant redemption fund, which levy shall be sufficient for the redemption of all the outstanding county warrants, unless the amount of outstanding warrants exceeds the amount that would be raised by a levy of two-tenths of one percent (.2%) of the market value for assessment purposes on all taxable property in the county, in which case the county commissioners shall annually levy a property tax of two-tenths of one percent (.2%) of the market value for assessment purposes on all taxable property in the county for the redemption of such outstanding warrants.(2) All property taxes levied in any year for the county current expense fund, county road fund and county bridge fund and collected on or after the first day of January in the succeeding year and any property tax levied for any purpose and which is no longer needed for such purpose when collected must be paid into the county treasury and apportioned to the county warrant redemption fund, except as otherwise provided by law. All money in the county treasury on the first day of October to the credit of the county current expense fund, county road fund, county bridge fund or any other fund which is no longer needed must be transferred to the county warrant redemption fund upon the books of the county auditor and county treasurer by resolution of the county commissioners entered upon the records of the proceedings.[63-806 added 1996, ch. 98, sec. 9, p. 373.]