Section 48-602 - DEFINITIONSAs used in this act:
(1) "Person" means natural persons, corporations both foreign and domestic, trusts, partnerships both limited and general, incorporated or unincorporated associations, companies, trusts, business entities, and any other legal entity, or any other group associated in fact although not a legal entity or any agent, assignee, heir, employee, representative or servant thereof.(2) "Trade" and "commerce" mean the advertising, offering for sale, selling, leasing, renting, collecting debts arising out of the sale or lease of goods or services or distributing goods or services, either to or from locations within the state of Idaho, or directly or indirectly affecting the people of this state.(3) "Documentary material" means the original or a copy of any book, record, report, memorandum, paper, communication, tabulation, map, chart, photograph, audio and/or visual recording, mechanical, photographic, or electronic transcription or other tangible document or recording.(4) "Examination" of documentary material shall include the inspection, study, or copying of any such material, and the taking of testimony under oath or acknowledgment in respect of any such documentary material or copy thereof.(5) "Appropriate trade premises," mean premises at which either the owner or seller normally carries on a business, or where goods are normally offered or exposed for sale in the course of a business carried on at those premises.(6) "Goods" mean any property, tangible or intangible, real, personal or mixed, and any other article, commodity, or thing of value wherever situate, including certificates or coupons exchangeable for such goods.(7) "Services" mean work, labor or any other act or practice provided or performed by a seller to or on behalf of a consumer.(8) "Actions or transactions permitted under laws administered by a regulatory body or officer" mean specific acts, practices or transactions authorized by a regulatory body or officer pursuant to a contract, rule or regulation, or other properly issued order, directive or resolution.(9) "Regulatory body or officer" means any person or governmental entity with authority to act pursuant to state of Idaho or federal statute.[48-602, added 1971, ch. 181, sec. 3, p. 847; am. 1973, ch. 285, sec. 1, p. 601; am. 1993, ch. 102, sec. 1, p. 256.]