Section 42-1601 - WELL NOT CONTROLLED A COMMON NUISANCE - APPROVAL OF DIRECTOR - RESERVOIRED WATER - MAINTENANCE OF ARTESIAN WELLS(1) Any person owning or controlling a flowing artesian well, which is not capped, equipped or furnished with such mechanical appliance as will readily control the flow of water from such well, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and such well is hereby declared to be a common nuisance; and any person owning or controlling a flowing artesian well, which is capped, equipped or furnished with a mechanical appliance for arresting and preventing the flow of water therefrom, which cap, equipment or mechanical appliance is of a type that has not been approved by the director of the department of water resources, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and such well is hereby declared to be a common nuisance: provided, however, that in cases where the waters of artesian wells are reservoired and controlled so that waste is not committed and a common nuisance created and where the pressure of water in a reservoir automatically causes wells to cease to flow, such mechanical contrivances may be dispensed with by obtaining the consent of the director of the department of water resources.(2) Any person owning or controlling an artesian well shall maintain the well to prevent waste or contamination of ground waters through leaky casings, pipes, fittings, valves, pumps, seals or through leakage around the outside of the casings, whether the leakage is above or below the land surface.(3) The owner of the land on which the well is located shall be deemed to own the well unless a deed, covenant, contract, easement, or other documentation acceptable to the director is available to demonstrate that the well is owned by another.(4) If a ground water management district created pursuant to chapter 51, title 42, Idaho Code, has adopted and is implementing a plan for the repair of leaking artesian wells acceptable to the director of the department of water resources, then the director of the department of water resources will not take any administrative or judicial action to require repair of a well within the ground water management district if the person owning the well is an active participant in the ground water management district.[(42-1601) 1921, ch. 196, sec. 1, p. 399; I.C.A., sec. 41-1401; am. 1987, ch. 347, sec. 10, p. 753; am. 1995, ch. 294, sec. 1, p. 1036.]