Idaho Code § 39-8622
The owner shall promptly notify the division of each accident to a person requiring the service of a physician or resulting in a disability exceeding one (1) day and shall afford the division every facility for investigating and inspecting the accident. After being so notified, the division shall without delay make an inspection and shall place on file a full and complete report of the accident. The report shall detail all material facts and information gathered as a part of the investigation and shall include the potential cause or causes of the accident, as may be ascertained by the division. The report shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable hours. When an accident involves the failure or destruction of any part of the construction or the operating mechanism of a conveyance, the use of the conveyance is forbidden until it has been made safe, it has been reinspected, any repairs, changes or alterations have been approved by the division, and a permit has been issued by the division. The removal of any part of the damaged construction or operating mechanism from the premises is forbidden until the division grants permission to do so.
Idaho Code § 39-8622