Haw. Rev. Stat. § 26-11
The board shall consist of eleven members. At least one member shall be a University of Hawaii student at the time of the initial appointment. The governor shall reduce the terms of those initially appointed to each seat on the board of regents to provide, as far as practicable, for the expiration of three terms each year; provided that the term of the student member shall not be reduced.
The members, except for the student member, shall represent and reside in the specified geographic areas as follows:
The board shall have the power, in accordance with the Hawaii constitution and with law, to formulate policy and to exercise control over the university through its executive officer, the president of the university. The board shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the internal organization and management of the university.
The University of Hawaii as heretofore constituted as a body corporate is continued as the University of Hawaii established by this chapter.
HRS § 26-11
Attorney General Opinions
The university is a constitutionally independent corporation and not an administrative or executive agency; the president need not satisfy the three-year residence requirement. Att. Gen. Op. 61-84.
Cited regarding regents' authority to delegate limited investment authority to external investment managers. Att. Gen. Op. 78-1.