Section 74-24.8 - Findings, notices, and orders(a)(1) If, upon any inspection of a mine, the Commissioner or his authorized representative finds that an imminent danger exists, he shall determine the area throughout which such danger exists, and thereupon shall issue forthwith an order requiring the operator of the mine or his agent to cause immediately all persons, except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, to be withdrawn from, and to be prohibited from entering, such area until the Commissioner or his authorized representative determines such imminent danger no longer exists.(2) If, upon any inspection of a mine, the Commissioner or his authorized representative finds that an imminent danger exists with respect to the condition or manner of use of any equipment, machinery, article, or apparatus, he shall thereupon issue an order requiring the operator or his agent to cause immediately such equipment, machinery, article, or apparatus to be withdrawn from, and to be prohibited from, use or operation until the Commissioner or his authorized representative determines that such imminent danger no longer exists.(3) As a result of any investigation of any "accident" or as a result of any other investigation or tests performed, the Commissioner or his authorized representative may cause to be withdrawn and prohibited from use or operation in any mine any equipment, machinery, article, or apparatus the use of which is likely to cause serious physical harm or an "accident" until the Commissioner or his authorized representative determines that such equipment, machinery, article, or apparatus has been repaired, modified, reconditioned, or altered in such manner that "accidents" or serious physical harm will thereafter be avoided.(b) If, upon any inspection of a mine, the Commissioner or his authorized representative finds that there has been a violation of any safety and health standard but the violation has not created an imminent danger, he shall issue a notice to the operator or his agent fixing a reasonable time for the abatement of the violation. If, upon the expiration of the period as originally fixed or subsequently extended, the Commissioner or his authorized representative finds that the violation has not been totally abated, and if he also finds that the period of time should not be further extended, he shall find the extent of the area affected by the violation and shall promptly issue an order requiring the operator of such mine or his agent to cause immediately all persons, except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, to be withdrawn from, and to be prohibited from entering, such area until the Commissioner or his authorized representative determines that the violation has been abated.(c) If, upon any inspection of a mine, the Commissioner or his authorized representative finds that there has been a repeated violation of a safety or health standard which could reasonably be expected to result in serious physical harm to any miner, he shall issue forthwith an order requiring the operator of the mine or his agent to cause immediately all persons, except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, to be withdrawn from, and to be prohibited from entering, such area until the Commissioner or his authorized representative determines that the violation has been abated.(d) The following persons may enter, upon approval of the Commissioner or his authorized representative, any area of a mine subject to an order issued under this section: (1) Any person whose presence in such area is necessary, in the judgment of the operator or the Commissioner or his authorized representative, to eliminate the condition described in the order;(2) A public official whose official duties require him to enter such area;(3) A representative of the miners in such mine who, in the judgment of the operator or the Commissioner, or his authorized representative, is qualified to make mine examinations or who is accompanied by such a person and whose presence in such area is necessary for the investigation of the condition described in the order;(4) A consultant to any of the foregoing.(e) Notices and orders issued pursuant to this section shall contain a detailed description of the conditions or practices which cause and constitute an imminent danger or a violation of any safety or health standard and where appropriate, a description of the area of the mine from which persons must be withdrawn and prohibited from entering, and a description of the equipment, machinery, article, or apparatus which shall be withdrawn and prohibited from use or operation.(f) A notice or order issued pursuant to this section may be modified, vacated, or terminated upon review by the Commissioner or his authorized representative.N.C. Gen. Stat. § 74-24.8