Section 18C-143 - Responsibilities of lottery game retailers(a) A lottery game retailer shall comply with all provisions of this Article and the contract with the Commission.(b) A lottery game retailer shall sell no lottery tickets or shares unless the retailer conspicuously displays a certificate of authority, signed by the Director, to sell lottery tickets or shares. The Commission shall issue a certificate of authority to each lottery game retailer for purposes of display for each retail outlet owned or operated by the lottery game retailer. No certificate is assignable or transferable.(c) A lottery game retailer shall furnish an appropriate bond or letter of credit, if so requested by the Director. The Commission may authorize the Director to purchase blanket bonds covering the activities of any or all lottery game retailers.(d) The Commission shall adopt rules to establish procedures governing how the lottery game retailers: (1) Account for all tickets or shares in their custody, including tickets and shares sold.(2) Account for the money collected from the sale of tickets and shares.(3) Remit funds to the Commission, provided that all payments shall be in the form of electronic fund transfers or other recorded financial instruments as authorized by the Commission and approved by the Director.(e) No lottery retailer or applicant to be a lottery retailer shall pay, give, or make any economic opportunity, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, favor, hospitality, or service, excluding food and beverages having an aggregate value not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) in any calendar year, to the Director, to any member or employee of the Commission, or to any member of the immediate family residing in the same household as one of these individuals.(f) All lottery proceeds minus applicable retailer commissions are held in trust by lottery retailers until such time as they are received by the Commission. A lottery retailer shall have a fiduciary duty to preserve and account for lottery proceeds including any unsold tickets.N.C. Gen. Stat. § 18C-143
Amended by 2009 N.C. Sess. Laws 357,s. 13, eff. 7/27/2009.Amended by 2005 N.C. Sess. Laws 276, s. 31.1.(o), eff. 7/1/2005.Added by 2005 N.C. Sess. Laws 344, s. 1, eff. 8/31/2005.