Section 131F-31 - Contributions solicited for, or accepted by or on behalf of, a named individual(a) Trust Account Required. - Contributions solicited for, or accepted by or on behalf of, a named individual shall be deposited in a trust account opened by a trustee named in a properly established trust document.(b) Use of Trust Funds. - Contributions deposited in the trust fund may be used only for the purpose for which the contributions were solicited; if the contributions are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were solicited, they may be used for another similar charitable purpose. The trustee may disburse funds from the trust account only after making a written record verifying the purpose for which the funds will be used accompanied by documentation of the identity of the payee and the justification for the payment. The Trustee shall retain these records for each disbursement from the trust account for a period of three years after the disbursement.N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131F-31
1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 759, s. 2.