Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-150c
An applicant who applies for an absentee ballot because of unforeseen illness or physical disability occurring within six days immediately preceding the close of the polls at an election, primary or referendum or because the applicant is a patient in a hospital or nursing home, as such terms are defined in section 19a-490, within such six-day period, may appoint a designee, as defined in subsection (b) of section 9-140b, to deliver the ballot to the applicant, by stating on the application, in a space provided for that purpose, (1) the date of occurrence of the illness or disability or the name and address of the hospital or nursing home in which the applicant is a patient within such six-day period, (2) the name, address and category under subsection (b) of section 9-140b of the person so designated, and (3) the delivery which the person is designated to perform, provided the person so designated shall also sign a statement on the application to the effect that such person consents to the designation and will perform the delivery without tampering with the ballot in any way. If the application designates a person to deliver the ballot to the applicant, such person shall personally submit the application to the municipal clerk. If such application is personally submitted to the clerk, within six days immediately preceding the close of the polls at an election, primary or referendum, by a person designated on the application to deliver the absentee ballot to the applicant as provided in this section and in subsection (b) of section 9-140b, and if such application is dated within such six-day period, the clerk shall give such person the absentee voting set.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-150c
(P.A. 86-179, S. 21, 53; P.A. 89-297, S. 5, 18; P.A. 97-154 , S. 14 , 17 .)