Conn. Gen. Stat. § 51-45b
Whenever the Chief Court Administrator has reason to believe that a judge or family support magistrate cannot fully perform his or her judicial or magisterial duties by reason of mental infirmity or illness or because of drug dependency or addiction to alcohol, the Chief Court Administrator shall direct such judge or family support magistrate to be examined by such qualified medical expert or experts as the Chief Court Administrator shall designate, at the expense of the Judicial Department. If the judge or family support magistrate fails to undergo any such examination or if, upon due consideration of the report of the expert or experts, the Chief Court Administrator is satisfied and concludes that the judge or family support magistrate cannot fully perform his or her judicial or magisterial duties, the Chief Court Administrator shall modify the assignment of the judge or family support magistrate, or shall remove said judge or family support magistrate from any assignment, and shall refer the matter together with the report, if any, of the expert or experts to the Judicial Review Council.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 51-45b
(P.A. 86-402, S. 9, 13; P.A. 89-360, S. 26, 45.)