- Section 51-1 - [Repealed]
- Section 51-1a - Composition of Judicial Department
- Section 51-1b - Chief Justice of Supreme Court. Duties and powers
- Section 51-1c - Report of department to General Assembly
- Section 51-1d - Court Support Services Division. Transfer of duties of various offices, duties and personnel to Court Support Services Division
- Section 51-1e - Support Enforcement Services. Successor to Support Enforcement Division. Transfer of powers, duties, obligations and staff
- Section 51-2 - [Repealed]
- Section 51-3 - Inability of Chief Justice to act
- Section 51-4 and 51-5 - [Repealed]
- Section 51-5a - Duties and powers of Chief Court Administrator
- Section 51-5b - Chief Court Administrator to establish and administer Judicial Data Processing Revolving Fund. Transfers to General Fund
- Section 51-5c - Automated registry of protective orders. Policies and procedures for operation of registry
- Section 51-5d - Chief Court Administrator to transfer certain revenue to organization administering program for use of interest earned on lawyers' clients' funds accounts and to Judicial Data Processing Revolving Fund
- Section 51-6 - [Repealed]
- Section 51-6a - Chief Justice or Chief Court Administrator may meet with judges of any court
- Section 51-6b - Chief Court Administrator to identify additional secure child visitation centers
- Section 51-7 - [Repealed]
- Section 51-8 - Establishment of office for administration of nonjudicial business of the Judicial Department
- Section 51-9 - Duties of staff of the Office of the Chief Court Administrator
- Section 51-9a - Alkaline paper for photocopies
- Section 51-9b - Portraits of retiring Chief Justices
- Section 51-9c - (Formerly Sec. 4-68bb). Project Longevity Initiative. Definitions. Implementation
- Section 51-10 - Appointment of Jury Administrator and assistants. Selection of director of security and safety of the Judicial Department
- Section 51-10a - [Repealed]
- Section 51-10b - Contract with Children in Placement, Inc., promoting permanency planning for children
- Section 51-10c - Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Criminal Justice System. Duties
- Section 51-10d - Judicial Branch Internet web site. Notice and information re animal-assisted therapy
- Section 51-10e - Artificial intelligence. Annual inventory. Policies and procedures. Assessments
- Section 51-11 - Judges and clerks to furnish information to Chief Court Administrator
- Section 51-11a and 51-11b - [Repealed]
- Section 51-12 - Compensation plan; employment regulations; sick leave
- Section 51-12a - Transferred
- Section 51-13 - [Repealed]
- Section 51-14 - Rules of court. Disapproval of rules by General Assembly. Hearings
- Section 51-14a - Connecticut Code of Evidence. Adoption. Advisory committee
- Section 51-15 - Rules of procedure in certain civil actions. Small claims
- Section 51-15a - Consultation between judiciary committee and rules committee of Superior Court
- Section 51-16 - Transferred
- Section 51-17 - Transferred
- Section 51-18 - Transferred
- Section 51-19 - [Repealed]
- Section 51-20 - Transferred
- Section 51-21 - Transferred
- Section 51-21a to 51-26 - [Repealed]