Conn. Gen. Stat. § 3-20

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 3-20 - State General Obligation Bond Procedure Act. State Bond Commission. Bond pledge and undertaking
(a) This section shall be known as and may be cited as, and its short title shall be, the "State General Obligation Bond Procedure Act".
(b) The following terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise requires: "Bonds" means general obligations of the state for the payment of the principal of and interest on which, as the same become due, the full faith and credit of the state are pledged; "bond act" means a general statute, public act or special act of the General Assembly empowering the State Bond Commission or the State Treasurer to authorize bonds heretofore enacted or hereafter enacted; "refunding bonds" means bonds authorized to be issued and sold pursuant to subsection (i) hereof and hereunder; "resolution" means a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the State Bond Commission. The adoption of a resolution is hereby deemed to satisfy and supersede the requirement of any bond act for a written determination signed by the majority of the members of the State Bond Commission and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State; "State Bond Commission" or "commission" means the State Bond Commission as established herein.
(c) There is established the State Bond Commission, which shall consist of the Governor, the Treasurer, the Comptroller, the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and the Commissioner of Administrative Services, each of whom may designate a deputy to represent him as a member at meetings of the State Bond Commission with full powers to act and vote in his behalf, and the cochairpersons and the ranking minority members of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to state finance, revenue and bonding, each of whom may designate another member of said joint standing committee, who is not a member of the State Bond Commission, to represent him as a member at meetings of the State Bond Commission with full powers to act and vote in his behalf. The members of said commission shall serve without compensation.
(A) All bonds of the state, authorized by the State Bond Commission acting prior to July 1, 1972, pursuant to any bond act taking effect prior to such date, shall be issued in accordance with such bond act or this section.
(B) All bonds of the state authorized to be issued by the State Bond Commission acting on or after July 1, 1972, pursuant to any bond act taking effect before, on or after such date shall be authorized and shall be issued in accordance with this section.
(A) Commencing January 1, 2017, and through June 30, 2023, the State Bond Commission may not authorize bond issuances or credit revenue bond issuances of more than two billion dollars in the aggregate in any calendar year. Commencing January 1, 2018, and through June 30, 2023, the aggregate limit shall be adjusted in accordance with any change in the consumer price index for all urban consumers for the preceding calendar year, less food and energy, as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(B) For the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2023, and for each fiscal year thereafter, the State Bond Commission may not authorize bond issuances or credit revenue bond issuances of more than two billion four hundred million dollars in the aggregate in any fiscal year. Commencing July 1, 2024, and each fiscal year thereafter, the aggregate limit shall be adjusted in accordance with any change in the consumer price index for all urban consumers for the preceding calendar year, less food and energy, as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(e) The principal and interest of bonds, refunding bonds, other obligations or borrowings in anticipation thereof, their transfer and the income therefrom, including any profit on the sale or transfer thereof, shall at all times be exempt from any taxation by the state of Connecticut or under its authority, except for estate or succession taxes.
(f) With the exception of refunding bonds, the proceeds of the sale of the bonds and any moneys held or otherwise set aside for the repayment of the bonds shall be deposited with the Treasurer or, at the direction of the Treasurer, with a commercial bank or trust company, in trust for the benefit of the state, pending the use or application thereof, for the purpose and projects specified in the bond act empowering the State Bond Commission to authorize such bonds. Any expense incurred in connection with the carrying out of the provisions of this section, including the issuance of refunding bonds, shall be paid from the accrued interest and premiums or from the proceeds of the sale of such bonds or refunding bonds and in the same manner as other obligations of the state, except that expenses incurred in connection with the preparation, issuance and delivery of general obligation bonds issued in accordance with sections 3-17 and 10-183 m, and delivered to the retirement fund provided for in section 10-183r shall be paid out of the General Fund if sufficient accrued interest and premiums are not available to pay such expenses. With the exception of the proceeds of refunding bonds deposited in a defeasance escrow fund, pending the use or application of any such bond proceeds or any such funds, such proceeds or funds may be deposited with the Treasurer in such fund or funds of the state as appropriate or at the direction of the Treasurer in a commercial bank or trust company with or without security to the credit of such fund or funds, or may be invested by, or at the direction of, the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States, or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, in certificates of deposit, commercial paper, savings accounts and bank acceptances, in the obligations of any state of the United States or any political subdivision thereof or the obligations of any instrumentality, authority or agency of any state or political subdivision thereof, provided that at the time of investment such obligations are rated within one of the top two rating categories of any nationally recognized rating service or of any rating service recognized by the Banking Commissioner, and applicable to such obligations, in the obligations of any regional school district in this state, of any municipality in this state or any metropolitan district in this state, provided that at the time of investment such obligations of such government entity are rated within one of the top three rating categories of any nationally recognized rating service or of any rating service recognized by the Banking Commissioner, and applicable to such obligations, or in any fund in which a trustee may invest pursuant to section 36a-353, or in investment agreements with financial institutions whose long-term obligations are rated within the top two rating categories of any nationally recognized rating service or of any rating service recognized by the Banking Commissioner or whose short-term obligations are rated within the top rating category of any nationally recognized rating service or of any rating service recognized by the Banking Commissioner, or investment agreements fully secured by obligations of, or guaranteed by, the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States. Except as may be provided herein or in any other public or special act, net earnings of investments of proceeds of bonds and such funds, and accrued interest and premiums on the issuance of such bonds shall, after payment of expenses incurred by the Treasurer or State Bond Commission in connection with their issuance, if any, be deposited to the credit of the General Fund.
(A) With the exception of refunding bonds, whenever a bond act empowers the State Bond Commission to authorize bonds for any project or purpose or projects or purposes, and whenever the State Bond Commission finds that the authorization of such bonds will be in the best interests of the state, it shall authorize such bonds by resolution adopted by the approving vote of at least a majority of said commission. No such resolution shall be so adopted by the State Bond Commission unless it finds that:
(i) There has been filed with it (I) any human services facility colocation statement to be filed with the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, if so requested by the secretary, pursuant to section 4b-23; (II) a statement from the Commissioner of Agriculture pursuant to section 22-6, for projects which would convert twenty-five or more acres of prime farmland to a nonagricultural use; (III) prior to the meeting at which such resolution is to be considered, any capital development impact statement required to be filed with the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management; (IV) a statement as to the full cost of the project or purpose when completed and the estimated operating cost for any structure, equipment or facility to be constructed or acquired; and (V) such requests and such other documents as it or such bond act requires, provided no resolution with respect to any school building project financed pursuant to section 10-287d shall require the filing of any statements pursuant to this clause and provided further any resolution requiring a capital impact statement shall be deemed not properly before the State Bond Commission until such capital development impact statement is filed; and
(ii) Such authorization does not exceed the limit specified under subdivision (2) of subsection (d) of this section.
(B) Any such resolution so adopted by the State Bond Commission shall recite the bond act under which said commission is empowered to authorize such bonds and the filing of all requests and other documents, if any, required by it or such bond act, and shall state the principal amount of the bonds authorized and a description of the purpose or project for which such bonds are authorized. Such description shall be sufficient if made merely by reference to a numbered subsection, subdivision or other applicable section of such bond act.
(2) The agenda of each meeting shall be made available to the members of the commission not later than five business days prior to the meeting at which such agenda is to be considered. The day of the meeting shall count as one of the business days. The agenda of each meeting, or any supporting documents included with such agenda, shall include a reference to the statute or public or special act which is the source of any funds to be used for any project on such agenda, including any contingency funds and any reuse or reallocation of funds previously approved for any other use or project, and a notation of the outside source from which any funds for any such project were received, if any.
(3) Upon adoption of a resolution, the principal amount of the bonds authorized therein for such purpose or project shall be deemed to be an appropriation and allocation of such amount for such purpose or project, respectively, and subject to approval by the Governor of allotment thereof and to any authorization for such project or purpose that may otherwise be required, contracts may be awarded and obligations incurred with respect to any such project or purpose in amounts not in the aggregate exceeding such authorized principal amount, notwithstanding that such contracts and obligations may at a particular time exceed the amount of the proceeds from the sale of such bonds theretofore received by the state. In any such resolution so adopted, the State Bond Commission may include provision for the date or dates of such bonds, the maturity of such bonds and, notwithstanding the provisions of any bond act taking effect prior to July 1, 1973, provision for either serial or term, sinking fund or other reserve fund requirements, if any, due dates of the interest thereon, the form of such bonds, the denominations and designation of such bonds, registration, conversion and transfer privileges and the terms of redemption with or without premium and the date and manner of sale of such bonds, provisions for the consolidation of such bonds with other bonds including refunding bonds for the purpose of sale as provided in subsection (h) of this section, limitations with respect to the interest rate or rates on such bonds, provisions for receipt and deposit or investment of the good faith deposit pending delivery of such bonds and such other terms and conditions of such bonds and of the issuance and sale thereof as the State Bond Commission may determine to be in the best interest of the state, provided the State Bond Commission may delegate to the Treasurer all or any part of the foregoing powers in which event the Treasurer shall exercise such powers until the State Bond Commission, by adoption of a resolution prior to exercise of such powers by the Treasurer shall elect to reassume the same. Such powers shall be exercised from time to time in such manner as the Treasurer shall determine to be in the best interests of the state and the Treasurer shall file a certificate of determination setting forth the details thereof with the secretary of the State Bond Commission on or before the date of delivery of such bonds, the details of which were determined by the Treasurer in accordance with such delegation.
(4) The State Bond Commission may authorize the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development to defer payments of interest or principal, or a portion thereof, in the case of a troubled loan, as defined in subdivision (1) of subsection (e) of section 8-37x, made by the commissioner under any provision of the general statutes.
(h) Notwithstanding any general statute, public act or special act of the General Assembly enacted prior to or after March 20, 1973, bonds or portions thereof, including refunding bonds authorized by any general statute, public act or special act of the General Assembly enacted prior to or after said date to be issued by the commission or by the Treasurer may be consolidated for the purpose of sale and issued, sold, printed and delivered as a single bond issue, provided, if bonds authorized under two or more bond acts are issued as a single bond issue or if bonds authorized under one or more bond acts together with refunding bonds are issued as a single bond issue, a separate maturity schedule or sinking fund requirements, if any, for such bonds or portions thereof authorized under each bond act and for the refunding bonds shall be established and filed with the secretary of the State Bond Commission on or before the date of delivery of such bonds.
(i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or of any general statute, public act or special act of the General Assembly enacted prior to or after March 20, 1973, whenever the Treasurer finds that it is in the best interests of the state to refund bonds issued pursuant to this section or pursuant to any other general statute, public act or special act of the General Assembly enacted prior to or after said date the maturity date of which has not yet occurred, and whether such bonds to be refunded are or are not subject to redemption prior to maturity, refunding bonds of the state may be issued for the purpose of purchasing, paying, funding or refunding such bonds and the interest payable thereon in advance of their maturity, or, if subject to redemption, at such redemption date or dates as provided in such bonds, at maturity or on such date or dates as determined by the Treasurer. No such refunding bonds shall be issued unless they are part of an issue described in a bond determination made and signed by the Treasurer in accordance with and pursuant to this subsection of which a copy has been filed with the secretary of the Bond Commission prior to delivery of such refunding bonds and such determination (A) sets forth the maturities of the bonds, including any refunding bonds, and the interest installments thereof, to be paid from the proceeds of the refunding bonds and (B) includes a certification of the Treasurer that the state reasonably expects as of the date of the certification to achieve, as a result of the sale of such refunding bonds and the investment and application of the proceeds of such sale, net debt service savings. Upon the issuance of any refunding bonds the proceeds from the sale thereof shall be deemed to have been appropriated and pledged for and shall be used and applied to the purchase, redemption or payment of the bonds to be so refunded including the payment of any redemption premium thereon and any interest accrued or to accrue thereon to the date of purchase, redemption or payment of such bonds at or prior to the maturity of such bonds as set forth in the bond determination, the refunding bonds authorized and issued pursuant to this subsection shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due, and accordingly as part of the contract of the state with the holders of said bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of such principal, including any amount of a mandatory sinking fund requirement as provided in such contract, and interest is hereby made, and the Treasurer shall pay such amounts as the same become due. Pending such use or application of the proceeds of refunding bonds issued pursuant to this subsection, such proceeds may be invested in accordance with and subject to the provisions of such bond determination, in obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or any agency or instrumentality of the United States or in certificates of deposit or time deposits secured by such obligations, or without limiting the foregoing in bonds, debentures, notes or participation certificates or other obligations issued by federal land banks, the Federal National Mortgage Agency, the federal home loan bank system, the Export Import Bank, the Government National Mortgage Association, the federal intermediate credit banks, the Tennessee Valley Authority, public housing authorities and fully secured by payment of both principal and interest by a pledge of annual contributions under contracts with the United States of America, the United States Postal Service, banks for cooperatives and the Farmers Home Administration and shall be held in trust by the Treasurer in trust for use, application and investment as aforesaid separate and apart from other funds of the state or may be deposited with a trustee in trust for such use, application and investment, upon the execution of the bond determination the Treasurer is authorized to execute contracts for such holding, deposit, use, application and investment of such proceeds. Except as may be provided in the bond determination authorizing refunding bonds pursuant to this subsection, net earnings of investments of proceeds of such refunding bonds not needed for the purpose for which such refunding bonds were authorized shall be deposited in the General Fund. In any such bond determination of the Treasurer authorizing refunding bonds pursuant to this subsection, said Treasurer may include provision for the date or dates of such refunding bonds, the principal amount of such refunding bonds, the maturity date or dates of such refunding bonds and provision relating to serial or term bonds and sinking or other reserve fund requirements, if any, the establishment and terms of any trust or trusts held by a trustee or by the Treasurer pursuant to this subsection, due dates of the interest on such refunding bonds, the form thereof, including execution and issuance to the purchasers, pending preparation of definitive refunding bonds, of temporary bonds without coupons exchangeable for the definitive bonds when prepared, executed and ready for delivery, the denominations and designation of such refunding bonds, registration, conversion and transfer privileges and the terms of redemption with or without premium, the date and manner of sale of such refunding bonds, either public or private, at such price or prices as the Treasurer may determine, provisions for the consolidation of such refunding bonds with other bonds for the purpose of sale as provided in subsection (h) hereof, limitations with respect to the interest rate or rates of such refunding bonds, provisions for receipt and deposit or investment of the good faith deposit pending delivery of such refunding bonds and such other terms and conditions of such refunding bonds and of the issuance and sale thereof and the investment of the proceeds thereof as the Treasurer may determine to be in the best interests of the state. For the purposes of this subsection, "refunding bonds" means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness including commercial paper and shall be deemed to include any of those agreements authorized by section 3-20a, to the extent that the Treasurer determines that the execution thereof is appropriate or necessary to satisfy the refunding requirements of this subsection.
(j) The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall be the secretary of the State Bond Commission and shall be responsible for keeping complete records of the commission, including minutes certified by him of any meeting showing the adoption of any resolution by the commission and other actions taken by and documents filed with the commission, and such records shall be the official records of the proceedings of said commission and shall be maintained in the office of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and open for public inspection. Meetings of the State Bond Commission shall be called upon such notice as may be determined by the State Bond Commission and may be open to the public.
(k) Bonds and refunding bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the manual or facsimile signatures of at least two of the following:
(1) The Governor,
(2) the Treasurer or the Deputy Treasurer appointed pursuant to section 3-12, and
(3) the Comptroller. At least one of such signatures or the signature of an authenticating agent, certifying agent, registrar or transfer agent shall be a manual signature. Such bonds and refunding bonds may be issued notwithstanding that any of the officials signing them or whose facsimile signatures appear on the bonds has ceased to hold office at the time of such issue or at the time of the delivery of such bonds and refunding bonds to the purchaser.
(l) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or of any bond act, bonds issued under this section may be sold at public sale on sealed proposals or, subject to the approval of the State Bond Commission, by negotiation, in such manner, at such price or prices, at such time or times and on such other terms and conditions as the Treasurer shall determine to be in the best interests of the state. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to general obligation bonds issued in accordance with sections 3-17 and 10-183 m and delivered to the retirement fund provided for in section 10-183r or to refunding bonds sold at private sale pursuant to subsection (i) hereof.
(m) With the exception of refunding bonds, whenever the State Bond Commission has adopted a resolution authorizing bonds, the Treasurer may, pending the issuing of such bonds, issue, in the name of the state, temporary notes and any renewals thereof in anticipation of the proceeds from the sale of such bonds, which notes and any renewals thereof shall be designated "Anticipation Notes". The proceeds from the sale of such notes shall be used only for those purposes for which may be used the proceeds of the sale of bonds in anticipation whereof such anticipation notes were issued. Such portion of the proceeds from the sale of such bonds as may be required for such purposes shall be applied to the payment of the principal of and interest on any such anticipation notes which have been issued.
(n) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any bonds sold under section 13a-208 or, except to the extent provided for in this section, to any bonds issued before or after July 1, 1953, pursuant to any bond act which took effect prior to said date.
(o) Any bond act may adopt the provisions of this section by reference to this section or its short title and such reference shall serve to incorporate the provisions of this section in said bond act as though set out in full therein. Notwithstanding such adoption by reference, said bond act may contain provisions applicable to the bonds issued thereunder, and, in case of conflict, the provisions in such bond act shall prevail.
(p) Bonds issued in accordance with the provisions of this section pursuant to any bond act are secured by the full faith and credit of the state, and as part of the contract of the state with the holders of said bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of principal of and interest on such bonds is hereby made and the Treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same become due.
(q) The State Bond Commission shall have power from time to time to transfer funds from any project or purpose under any act to the contingency reserve of such act provided said commission shall have authorized such transfer upon a finding that there has been filed with it a request for such transfer which is signed by or on behalf of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management stating that such projects or purposes have been completed and that such funds are excess moneys not needed for such project or purpose.
(r) The State Bond Commission may make representations and agreements which are necessary or appropriate to ensure the exemption from taxation of interest on bonds, notes or other obligations of the state, eligibility of such bonds, notes or other obligations for tax credits or payments from the federal government, or any other desired federal income tax treatment of such bonds, notes or other obligations, in each case under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, including agreements to pay rebates to the federal government of investment earnings derived from the investment of the proceeds of bonds, notes or other obligations issued on or after January 1, 1986, or may delegate to the Treasurer the authority to make such representations and agreements on behalf of the state. Any such agreement may include (1) a covenant to pay rebates to the federal government of investment earnings derived from the investment of the proceeds of bonds, notes or other obligations issued on or after January 1, 1986, (2) a covenant that the state will not limit or alter its rebate obligations until its obligations to the holders or owners of such bonds, notes or other obligations are finally met and discharged, and (3) provisions to (A) establish trust and other accounts which may be appropriate to carry out such representations and agreements, (B) retain fiscal agents as depositories for such funds and accounts, and (C) provide that such fiscal agents may act as trustee of such funds and accounts.
(s) The State Bond Commission may authorize, by vote of a majority of the members of said commission, bonds, refunding bonds, other obligations or borrowings in anticipation thereof in such form and manner that the interest on such bonds, refunding bonds, other obligations or borrowings in anticipation thereof may be includable under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, in the gross income of the holders or owners of such bonds, refunding bonds, other obligations or borrowings in anticipation thereof upon the finding by said commission that the issuance of such taxable bonds, refunding bonds, other obligations or borrowings in anticipation thereof is in the public interest.
(t) The State Bond Commission may establish the interest rate or rates payable upon any loans originated on or after July 1, 1987, under any state loan programs and funded by bonds issued under this section if no rate of interest is specified or required by the general statutes or the public or special act authorizing such loans. The State Bond Commission shall establish such rate or rates in order to achieve the goals and purposes of such loan programs, to achieve the best interests of the state and, to the extent deemed necessary or desirable by the State Bond Commission, to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
(u) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or of any bond act, bonds, refunding bonds, notes or other obligations in anticipation thereof authorized and issued under this section may include contract provisions for (1) the payment of interest either (A) at certain rates in the event such interest is excludable from the gross income of the holders or owners thereof under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, or (B) at certain other rates in the event such interest is includable in the gross income of the holders or owners thereof under the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as from time to time amended, (2) the payment by the state of such costs and expenses as may be incurred by the holders or owners of such obligations pursuant to the contract with the state as a result thereof, and (3) other terms as the Treasurer shall determine to be in the best interests of the state. As part of the contract of the state with the holders or owners of such obligations, appropriation of all such amounts necessary for the punctual payment of any amounts required to be paid pursuant to any such contract provisions is hereby made and the Treasurer shall pay such amounts as aforesaid as the same becomes due.
(v) The State Bond Commission may make representations and agreements for the benefit of the holders of bonds, notes or other obligations of the state, or with respect to which the state is an obligated person, including bonds sold under section 13a-208, to provide secondary market disclosure information, or may delegate to the Treasurer the authority to make such representations and agreements on behalf of the state. Any such agreement may include:
(1) Covenants to provide secondary market disclosure information,
(2) arrangements for such information to be provided with the assistance of a paying agent, trustee or other agent, and
(3) remedies for breach of such agreement, which remedies may be limited to specific performance. All such agreements entered into and all such actions taken prior to June 22, 1995, are hereby validated.
(w) The state shall protect and save harmless any official or former official of the state from financial loss and expense, including legal fees and costs, if any, arising out of any claim, demand, suit or judgment by reason of alleged negligence on the part of such official, while acting in the discharge of his official duties, in providing secondary market disclosure information or performing any other duties set forth in any agreement to provide secondary market disclosure information. Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the defense of governmental immunity to any such claim, demand or suit. For purposes of this subsection "official" means any person elected or appointed to office or any state employee. This subsection shall not apply to cases of wilful and wanton fraud.
(x) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, public acts or special acts, any sale, lease or other disposition to or use by a nongovernmental entity of all or a portion of any project financed with proceeds of bonds of the state the interest on which is not included in gross income pursuant to Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as amended from time to time, that would otherwise cause such bonds to be treated as private activity bonds within the meaning of Section 141 of said internal revenue code shall be subject to the prior approval of the Treasurer. The Treasurer is authorized to transfer all or a portion of the proceeds received with respect to and at the time of such disposition or use, in an amount not less than the amount required by said internal revenue code to preserve the exclusion from gross income of interest on such bonds, (1) to the General Fund to pay debt service on, including redemption, defeasance or purchase of, outstanding bonds of the state the interest on which is not included in gross income pursuant to Section 103 of said internal revenue code, (2) with the approval of the State Bond Commission, in lieu of the issuance of bonds, to the appropriate account or fund for any projects or purposes authorized by the State Bond Commission pursuant to a bond act and with the same force and effect as bond proceeds, thereby reducing the authority to issue bonds by such dollar amount, provided in any event that any such transfer does not cause the interest on the subject bonds to become included in gross income pursuant to Section 103 of said internal revenue code.
(y) For the purposes of this subsection, "state moneys" means the proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized pursuant to this section, or of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the moneys to be derived from the sale of such bonds. Each request filed for an authorization of bonds shall identify the project for which the proceeds of the sale of such bonds are to be used and, in addition to any terms and conditions required pursuant to this section, shall include the recommendation of the person signing such request as to the extent to which federal, private or other moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with any such project should be added to the state moneys available or becoming available for such project. If the request includes a recommendation that some amount of such federal, private or other moneys should be added to such state moneys, then, if and to the extent directed by the State Bond Commission at the time of authorization of such bonds, such amount of such federal, private or other moneys then available, or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with such project, may be added to any state moneys available or becoming available for such project and shall be used for such project. Any other federal, private or other moneys then available or to be made available for costs in connection with such project shall, upon receipt, be used by the State Treasurer, in conformity with applicable federal and state law, to meet the principal of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to this section, or to meet the principal of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of bonds authorized pursuant to this section, for the purpose of financing such costs, either by purchase or redemption and cancellation of such bonds or notes, or by payment of such notes at maturity. Whenever any of the federal, private or other moneys so received with respect to such project are used to meet the principal of such temporary notes or whenever principal of any such temporary notes is retired by application of such federal, private or other moneys, the amounts of bonds authorized in anticipation of which such temporary notes were issued, and the aggregate amount of bonds which may be authorized, shall each be reduced by the amount of the principal so met or retired. Pending use of the federal, private or other moneys so received to meet principal as directed in this subsection, the amount of such moneys may be invested by the State Treasurer in bonds or obligation of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, shall be deemed to be part of the debt retirement funds of the state, and net earnings on such investments shall be used in the same manner as the moneys so invested.
(z) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any public act or special act, upon the request of any proposed recipient for a grant for a program or project within the state to be financed by bonds issued pursuant to this section, and subject to the approval of the State Bond Commission and the Treasurer, such grant may be made to a qualified community development entity, or to a partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company or other business entity investing exclusively in a qualified community development entity, provided substantially all of the proceeds of such grant are made available to such proposed recipient to finance such project, or to any reinvestment in such project following a foreclosure brought against such proposed recipient or any affiliate of such proposed recipient on such project. For purposes of this subsection, "qualified community development entity" means an entity certified as a qualified community development entity pursuant to Section 45D(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United States, as amended from time to time, that has received an allocation of new markets tax credits available for qualified low-income community investments in the state under Section 45D(f)(2) of said Internal Revenue Code.
(1) For each fiscal year during which general obligation bonds or credit revenue bonds issued on and after May 15, 2018, and prior to July 1, 2020, shall be outstanding, the state of Connecticut shall comply with the provisions of (A) section 4-30a of the general statutes, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2017, as amended by section 704 of public act 17-2 of the June special session and section 7 of public act 18-49 and section 20 of public act 18-81, (B) section 2-33c in effect on October 31, 2017, (C) section 2-33a of the general statutes, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2017, as amended by section 709 of public act 17-2 of the June special session, (D) subsections (d) and (g) of this section, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2017, as amended by sections 710 and 711 of public act 17-2 of the June special session, and (E) section 3-21 of the general statutes, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2017, as amended by section 712 of public act 17-2 of the June special session. The state of Connecticut does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of any bonds, notes and other obligations issued pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection that no public or special act of the General Assembly taking effect on or after May 15, 2018, and prior to July 1, 2023, shall alter the obligation to comply with the provisions of the sections and subsections set forth in subparagraphs (A) to (E), inclusive, of this subdivision, until such bonds, notes or other obligations, together with the interest thereon, are fully met and discharged, provided nothing in this subsection shall preclude such alteration (i) if and when adequate provision shall be made by law for the protection of the holders of such bonds, or (ii) (I) if and when the Governor declares an emergency or the existence of extraordinary circumstances, in which the provisions of section 4-85 are invoked, (II) at least three-fifths of the members of each chamber of the General Assembly vote to alter such required compliance during the fiscal year for which the emergency or existence of extraordinary circumstances are determined, and (III) any such alteration is for the fiscal year in progress only.
(2) The Treasurer shall include this pledge and undertaking in general obligation bonds and credit revenue bonds issued on or after May 15, 2018, and prior to July 1, 2020, provided such pledge and undertaking (A) shall be applicable for a period of five years from the date of first issuance of such bonds, and (B) shall not apply to refunding bonds issued for bonds issued under this subdivision.
(1) For each fiscal year during the period for which the pledge and undertaking under this subsection is in effect pursuant to subdivisions (3) and (4) of this subsection, the state of Connecticut shall comply with the provisions of (A) section 4-30a of the general statutes, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2023, as amended by section 15 of public act 23-1, (B) section 2-33a of the general statutes, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2023, (C) section 2-33c of the general statutes, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2023, as amended by section 16 of public act 23-1, (D) subsections (d) and (g) of this section, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2023, as amended by section 17 of public act 23-1, and (E) section 3-21 of the general statutes, revision of 1958, revised to January 1, 2023, as amended by section 18 of public act 23-1.
(2) The state of Connecticut does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of any bonds, notes and other obligations issued pursuant to subdivision (3) of this subsection that no public or special act of the General Assembly taking effect (A) on or after July 1, 2023, and prior to July 1, 2028, and, (B) subject to the provisions of subdivision (4) of this subsection, on or after July 1, 2028, and prior to July 1, 2033, shall alter the obligation to comply with the provisions of the sections and subsections set forth in subparagraphs (A) to (E), inclusive, of subdivision (1) of this subsection, during the period for which the pledge and undertaking is in effect pursuant to subdivisions (3) and (4) of this subsection, provided nothing in this subsection shall preclude such alteration (i) if and when adequate provision shall be made by law for the protection of the holders of such bonds, or (ii) (I) if and when the Governor declares an emergency or the existence of extraordinary circumstances, in which the provisions of section 4-85 are invoked, (II) at least three-fifths of the members of each chamber of the General Assembly vote to alter such required compliance during the fiscal year for which the emergency or existence of extraordinary circumstances are determined, and (III) any such alteration is for the fiscal year in progress only.
(3) The Treasurer shall include the pledge and undertaking described in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection in general obligation bonds and credit revenue bonds issued on or after July 1, 2023, and prior to July 1, 2025, and such pledge and undertaking (A) shall be in effect through June 30, 2028, or, subject to the provisions of subdivision (4) of this subsection, through June 30, 2033, and (B) shall not apply to refunding bonds issued for bonds issued under this subdivision.
(4) The pledge and undertaking described in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection shall be in effect for the period set forth in subparagraph (B) of subdivision (2) of this subsection unless the General Assembly adopts a resolution on or after January 1, 2028, but prior to July 1, 2028, not to continue such pledge and undertaking beyond June 30, 2028.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 3-20

(1953, 1955, June, 1955, S. 108d; 1959, P.A. 132, S. 13; 660, S. 1; 1961, P.A. 69; 1969, P.A. 629, S. 3; 1972, P.A. 85, S. 1; 243, S. 1; P.A. 73-4, S. 1, 2; P.A. 75-496, S. 1, 2; P.A. 76-349, S. 1, 3; P.A. 77-383, S. 1, 2; 77-614, S. 19, 73, 610; P.A. 78-208, S. 24, 25, 35; 78-331, S. 42, 58; 78-366, S. 1, 4; P.A. 79-31, S. 4, 17; 79-239, S. 8; 79-607, S. 4; 79-631, S. 49, 111; S.A. 80-41, S. 59, 68; P.A. 83-102, S. 1; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-33, S. 15, 17; P.A. 85-383, S. 1, 2; P.A. 86-92; 86-334, S. 1-4; P.A. 87-9, S. 2, 3; 87-416, S. 1, 24; 87-496, S. 8, 110; P.A. 88-319, S. 1-3, 7; 88-343, S. 1, 32; P.A. 89-211, S. 2; P.A. 90-317, S. 1-3, 8; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-4 , S. 1 , 25 ; P.A. 93-165 , S. 2 , 7 ; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-2 , S. 1 , 203 ; P.A. 95-250 , S. 1 ; 95-270 , S. 8 , 11 ; P.A. 96-181 , S. 103 , 121 ; 96-211 , S. 1 , 5 , 6 ; June 5 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1 , S. 1 , 20 ; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-11 , S. 43 , 65 ; P.A. 98-124 , S. 1 , 12 ; P.A. 99-241 , S. 1 , 66 ; P.A. 03-84 , S. 3 ; 03-278 , S. 6 ; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 146 (e); P.A. 04-189 , S. 1 ; P.A. 05-262 , S. 5 ; P.A. 06-194 , S. 1 ; P.A. 08-117 , S. 1 ; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-3 , S. 129 ; P.A. 11-51 , S. 90 ; P.A. 12-189 , S. 46 ; P.A. 13-247 , S. 200 ; P.A. 14-98 , S. 27 ; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 15-5 , S. 409 ; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 17-2 , S. 706 , 710 , 711 ; P.A. 18-49 , S. 8 ; 18-81 , S. 21 ; 18-178 , S. 42 .)

Amended by P.A. 24-0151,S. 172 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2024 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by P.A. 24-0062,S. 5 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2024 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by P.A. 23-0001, S. 17 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2023 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by P.A. 23-0001, S. 14 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2023 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by P.A. 18-0178, S. 42 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2018 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2018.
Amended by P.A. 18-0049, S. 8 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2018 Regular Session, eff. 5/15/2018.
Amended by P.A. 17-0002, S. 711 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2017 Special Session, eff. 10/31/2017.
Amended by P.A. 17-0002, S. 710 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2017 Special Session, eff. 10/31/2017.
Amended by P.A. 17-0002, S. 706 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2017 Special Session, eff. 5/15/2018.
Amended by P.A. 15-0005, S. 409 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2015 Special Session, eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by P.A. 14-0098, S. 27 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2014 Regular Session, eff. 5/22/2014.
Amended by P.A. 12-0189, S. 46 of the the 2012 Regular Session, eff. 6/15/2012.
Amended by P.A. 09-0003, S. 129 of the June 2009 Sp. Sess., eff. 9/9/2009.

Cited. 148 C. 622 ; 167 C. 111.