Section 22a-500 - Regional water pollution control authorities: Definitions. Authorization. Directors. Membership. Termination(a) As used in sections 22a-500 to 22a-519, inclusive, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates another meaning or intent: (1) "Authority" means a regional water pollution authority created under the provisions of this section or any entity which is a successor of an authority;(2) "Bonds" means any bonds, notes and other obligations issued by an authority pursuant to the provisions of section 22a-507 and any bonds issued to refund such bonds;(3) "Cost" or "costs" as applied to any system means the cost of acquisition or construction, the cost of any subsequent additions or expansion of a wastewater system, the cost of the acquisition of all land and interests in land including rights-of-way, easements and other property rights acquired by the authority for such construction, addition or expansion, the cost of demolition or removal of any building or structure on land so acquired, including the cost of acquiring any lands to which such building or structures may be moved, the cost of dredging and filling underwater areas, all equipment, financing, insurance, interest, administrative and operating costs incurred prior to and during such construction of any addition or expansion, and, if deemed advisable by the authority, for a period not exceeding one year after completion of such construction, addition or expansion, any survey, engineering, architectural, legal, administrative, operating, research, development, operating capital and other such costs or expenses of the authority as may be necessary or incidental to the construction of the wastewater system and any component of any wastewater system, and of such subsequent addition or expansion, and the cost of financing such construction, addition or expansion and placing the project and such additions or expansion in operation;(4) "Constituent municipality" means one of two or more municipalities which have adopted the provisions of this section and sections 22a-501 to 22a-519, inclusive, and which have created an authority by concurrent ordinances of their legislative bodies;(5) "Municipality" means any town, city, borough, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and borough;(6) "Sewage" shall be as defined in section 22a-423; and(7) "Wastewater system" means any device, equipment, appurtenance, plant facility and method for receiving, collecting, transporting, reducing, treating, reclaiming, disposing, separating or discharging sewage, or the residue from the treatment of sewage, including any component of any of the foregoing, which the authority is authorized to acquire, plan, design, construct, manage, operate, maintain and finance under the provisions of this section and sections 22a-501 to 22a-519, inclusive, and which the authority may establish as its wastewater system pursuant to the provisions of this section and sections 22a-501 to 22a-519, inclusive, including any interest in real estate and improvements thereto and the extension or provision of utilities and other appurtenant facilities and projects deemed necessary or desirable by the authority for the purpose of establishing and operating wastewater management and water pollution control services.(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any special act or municipal charter, any two or more municipalities may, by concurrent ordinances of their legislative bodies, adopt and exercise the powers granted to a municipality by the provisions of this section and sections 22a-501 to 22a-519, inclusive, and designate any existing board, commission or agency, or create a new board, commission, agency or regional authority to be designated, as its regional authority and thereupon be a constituent municipality of such authority. Such ordinance shall contain a brief statement of the purpose of the authority and shall set forth the article or incorporation of the authority as follows: (1) The name of the authority and address of its principal office; (2) a statement that the authority is created an authority under this section; and (3) the names, addresses and terms of office of the first directors of the authority.(c) The constituent municipalities of any authority shall, by concurrent ordinances, determine the number of directors thereof, the number of votes to be cast by each director, the method of determining the directors' compensation, if any, the method of their appointment and removal and their terms of office, which shall be so arranged that not more than one-half of such terms shall expire within any one year. The constituent municipalities shall prepare and submit a preliminary plan of operation for an authority which they propose to form to the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and the State Treasurer for their review and approval in accordance with this section. Each plan of operation shall include the procedure by which bonds of such authority shall be approved. The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection shall review and may approve any preliminary plan of operation, after consultation with the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, if he finds that such plan of operations is in furtherance of the environmental protection laws of the state. The State Treasurer shall review and may approve any preliminary plan of operation if he finds a wastewater system undertaken by an authority operating under such plan of operation is eligible to apply for financing under sections 22a-477 to 22a-483, inclusive. Upon the adoption of such ordinances by the legislative bodies of each constituent municipality designating or creating an authority under this section, and the approval of a preliminary plan of operation for such authority by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and the State Treasurer, the authority created thereby shall constitute a public body politic and corporate of the state, and a political subdivision of the state established and created for the performance of an essential public and governmental function. Any rejection of a preliminary plan of operation shall not preclude the submission of a revised plan. The approval of the preliminary plan of operation by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and the Treasurer in accordance with this section shall constitute conclusive evidence of the state's approval of the creation of an authority under this section. An authority shall not change the procedure for approving the issuance of its bonds as prescribed by its plan of operations without the approval of each constituent municipality, the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and the State Treasurer.(d) By ordinance of its legislative body, or by such other body as permitted by section 7-157, any municipality may become a member of an authority upon such terms and conditions as the authority may determine and thereupon be a constituent municipality of such authority.(e) Any constituent municipality may elect to withdraw from such authority by the adoption of an ordinance by its legislative body or such other authority as permitted by section 7-157. Such withdrawal shall be effective only after compliance with the terms and conditions contained in any contracts between such constituent municipality and the authority or the holders of any bonds of the authority. No such withdrawal shall relieve such constituent municipality of any liability, responsibility or obligation incurred by it as a member of the authority or as a user of any of its wastewater system.(f) Any authority and its corporate existence shall continue until terminated by law or the withdrawal of one of the last two constituent municipalities of such authority, provided no such law shall take effect as long as the authority shall have bonds, notes or other obligations outstanding unless adequate provision has been made for the payment or satisfaction of such obligations. Upon termination of the existence of the authority, all of the rights and properties of the authority then remaining shall pass to and vest in the constituent municipality in which it is located unless otherwise provided in an agreement of the authority and except as otherwise may be specified in such law.Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-500
( P.A. 95-329, S. 10, 31; P.A. 06-196, S. 262; P.A. 07-217, S. 117; P.A. 11-80, S. 1.)