Section 22a-475 - Clean Water Fund: DefinitionsAs used in this section and sections 22a-476 to 22a-483, inclusive, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning or intent:
(1) "Bond anticipation note" means a note issued by a municipality in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of a project loan obligation or a grant account loan obligation.(2) "Clean Water Fund" means the fund created under section 22a-477.(3) "Combined sewer projects" means any project undertaken to mitigate pollution due to combined sewer and storm drain systems, including, but not limited to, components of regional water pollution control facilities undertaken to prevent the overflow of untreated wastes due to collection system inflow, provided the state share of the cost of such components is less than the state share of the estimated cost of eliminating such inflow by means of physical separation at the sources of such inflow.(4) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection.(5) "Department" means the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.(6) "Disadvantaged communities" means the service area of a public water system that meets affordability criteria established by the Office of Policy and Management in accordance with applicable federal regulations.(7) "Drinking water federal revolving loan account" means the drinking water federal revolving loan account of the Clean Water Fund created under section 22a-477.(8) "Drinking water state account" means the drinking water state account of the Clean Water Fund created under section 22a-477.(9) "Eligible drinking water project" means the planning, design, development, construction, repair, extension, improvement, remodeling, alteration, rehabilitation, reconstruction or acquisition of all or a portion of a public water system approved by the Commissioner of Public Health, under sections 22a-475 to 22a-483, inclusive.(10) "Eligible project" means an eligible drinking water project or an eligible water quality project, as applicable.(11) "Eligible water quality project" means the planning, design, development, construction, repair, extension, improvement, remodeling, alteration, rehabilitation, reconstruction or acquisition of a water pollution control facility approved by the commissioner under sections 22a-475 to 22a-483, inclusive.(12) "Eligible project costs" means the total costs of an eligible project which are determined by (A) the commissioner, or (B) if the project is an eligible drinking water project, the Commissioner of Public Health, and in consultation with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority when the recipient is a water company, as defined in section 16-1, to be necessary and reasonable. The total costs of a project may include the costs of all labor, materials, machinery and equipment, lands, property rights and easements, interest on project loan obligations and bond anticipation notes, including costs of issuance approved by the commissioner or by the Commissioner of Public Health if the project is an eligible drinking water project, plans and specifications, surveys or estimates of costs and revenues, engineering and legal services, auditing and administrative expenses, and all other expenses approved by the commissioner or by the Commissioner of Public Health if the project is an eligible drinking water project, which are incident to all or part of an eligible project.(13) "Eligible public water system" means a water company, as defined in section 25-32a, serving twenty-five or more persons or fifteen or more service connections year round and nonprofit noncommunity water systems.(14) "Grant account loan" means a loan to a municipality by the state from the water pollution control state account of the Clean Water Fund.(15) "Grant account loan obligation" means bonds or other obligations issued by a municipality to evidence the permanent financing by such municipality of its indebtedness under a project funding agreement with respect to a grant account loan, made payable to the state for the benefit of the water pollution control state account of the Clean Water Fund and containing such terms and conditions and being in such form as may be approved by the commissioner.(16) "Grant anticipation note" means any note or notes issued in anticipation of the receipt of a project grant.(17) "Interim funding obligation" means any bonds or notes issued by a recipient in anticipation of the issuance of project loan obligations, grant account loan obligations or the receipt of project grants.(18) "Intended use plan" means a document if required, prepared by the Commissioner of Public Health, in accordance with section 22a-478.(19) "Municipality" means any metropolitan district, town, consolidated town and city, consolidated town and borough, city, borough, village, fire and sewer district, sewer district or public authority and each municipal organization having authority to levy and collect taxes or make charges for its authorized function.(20) "Pollution abatement facility" means any equipment, plant, treatment works, structure, machinery, apparatus or land, or any combination thereof, which is acquired, used, constructed or operated for the storage, collection, reduction, recycling, reclamation, disposal, separation or treatment of water or wastes, or for the final disposal of residues resulting from the treatment of water or wastes, and includes, but is not limited to: Pumping and ventilating stations, facilities, plants and works; outfall sewers, interceptor sewers and collector sewers; and other real or personal property and appurtenances incident to their use or operation.(21) "Priority list of eligible drinking water projects" means the priority list of eligible drinking water projects established by the Commissioner of Public Health in accordance with the provisions of sections 22a-475 to 22a-483, inclusive.(22) "Priority list of eligible projects" means the priority list of eligible drinking water projects or the priority list of eligible water quality projects, as applicable.(23) "Priority list of eligible water quality projects" means the priority list of eligible water quality projects established by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of sections 22a-475 to 22a-483, inclusive.(24) "Program" means the municipal water quality financial assistance program, including the drinking water financial assistance program, created under sections 22a-475 to 22a-483, inclusive.(25) "Project grant" means a grant made to a municipality by the state from the water pollution control state account of the Clean Water Fund or the Long Island Sound clean-up account of the Clean Water Fund.(26) "Project loan" means a loan made to a recipient by the state from the Clean Water Fund.(27) "Project funding agreement" means a written agreement between the state, acting by and through the commissioner or, if the project is an eligible drinking water project, acting by and through the Commissioner of Public Health, in consultation with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority when the recipient is a water company, as defined in section 16-1, and a recipient with respect to a project grant, a grant account loan and a project loan as provided under sections 22a-475 to 22a-483, inclusive, and containing such terms and conditions as may be approved by the commissioner or, if the project is an eligible drinking water project, by the Commissioner of Public Health.(28) "Project obligation" or "project loan obligation" means bonds or other obligations issued by a recipient to evidence the permanent financing by such recipient of its indebtedness under a project funding agreement with respect to a project loan, made payable to the state for the benefit of the water pollution control federal revolving loan account, the drinking water federal revolving loan account or the drinking water state account, as applicable, of the Clean Water Fund and containing such terms and conditions and being in such form as may be approved by the commissioner or, if the project is an eligible drinking water project, by the Commissioner of Public Health.(29) "Public water system" means a public water system, as defined for purposes of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended or superseded.(30) "Recipient" means a municipality or eligible public water system, as applicable.(31) "State bond anticipation note" means any note or notes issued by the state in anticipation of the issuance of bonds.(32) "State grant anticipation note" means any note or notes issued by the state in anticipation of the receipt of federal grants.(33) "Water pollution control facility" means a pollution abatement facility which stores, collects, reduces, recycles, reclaims, disposes of, separates or treats sewage, or disposes of residues from the treatment of sewage.(34) "Water pollution control state account" means the water pollution control state account of the Clean Water Fund created under section 22a-477.(35) "Water pollution control federal revolving loan account" means the water pollution control federal revolving loan account of the Clean Water Fund created under section 22a-477.(36) "Long Island Sound clean-up account" means the Long Island Sound clean-up account created under section 22a-477.Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-475
(P.A. 86-420, S. 1, 12; P.A. 87-571, S. 1, 7; P.A. 89-377, S. 1, 8; P.A. 91-344, S. 2; P.A. 96-181, S. 108, 121; P.A. 10-117, S. 34; P.A. 11-80, S. 1.)
Amended by P.A. 10-0117, S. 34 of the February 2010 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2010.