Section 22a-465 - (Formerly Sec. 25-54tt). Use of PCB in closed systems. Incidental amounts of PCB permitted(a) An item, product or material containing the compound PCB may be manufactured for sale, sold for use or used if the compound PCB is used in a closed system as a dielectric fluid for an electric transformer or capacitor provided the item, product or material is labeled in accordance with the American National Standards Institute Incorporated guidelines.(b) An item, product or material containing incidental amounts of PCB may be manufactured for sale, sold for use or used provided such incidental amounts do not result from exposing the item, product or material to the compound PCB or from failing to take reasonable measures to rid the item, product or material of the compound PCB.(c) An item, product or material containing the compound PCB may be manufactured for sale, sold for use or used provided an exemption has been granted by the commissioner in accordance with section 22a-466.Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-465