Conn. Gen. Stat. § 19a-490a
As used in sections 17b-349, 19a-7e and 19a-59b, "community health center" means a public or nonprofit private medical care facility which (1) is not part of a hospital and is organized and operated to provide comprehensive primary care services; (2) is located in an area which has a demonstrated need for services based on geographic, demographic and economic factors; (3) serves low income, uninsured, minority and elderly persons; (4) makes its services available to individuals regardless of their ability to pay; (5) employs a charge schedule with a discount based on income; (6) provides, on an ongoing basis, primary health services by physicians and, where appropriate, midlevel practitioners, diagnostic laboratory and x-ray services, preventive health services and patient care case management; (7) provides for needed pharmacy services either on-site or through firm arrangement; (8) has at least one-half of the full-time equivalent primary care providers as full-time members of its staff; (9) maintains an ongoing quality assurance program; (10) is a participating title XIX and Medicare provider; (11) has a governing board of at least nine and no more than twenty-five members with authority and responsibility for policy and conduct of the center, the majority of whom are active users of the center and of the nonuser board members, no more than half may derive more than ten per cent of their annual income from the health care industry; (12) provides primary care services at least thirty-two hours per week; and (13) has arrangements for professional coverage during hours when the center is closed.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 19a-490a
( P.A. 92-129, S. 2; P.A. 93-128; 93-262, S. 80, 87.)