- Section 16a-35k - Legislative findings and policy
- Section 16a-35l - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-35m - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-35n - Policy to reduce energy consumption
- Section 16a-36 and 16a-36a - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-37 - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-37a and 16a-37b - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-37c - Shared energy savings program. Regulations
- Section 16a-37d and 16a-37e - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-37f - Light bulbs purchased by budgeted agencies
- Section 16a-37g to 16a-37s - Reserved for future use
- Section 16a-37t - Benchmarking energy and water consumption in state buildings
- Section 16a-37u - Planning and managing energy use in state-owned and leased buildings. Reduction in energy consumption. Connection of state-owned and leased buildings to district heating and cooling systems
- Section 16a-37v - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-37w - Program to encourage use of biodiesel in state buildings
- Section 16a-37x - Energy-savings performance contract process for state agencies and participating municipalities
- Section 16a-38 - Energy performance standards and life-cycle cost analyses for state buildings
- Section 16a-38a - Energy audits and retrofitting of state buildings. Energy efficiency maintenance program
- Section 16a-38b - Achievement of energy performance standards
- Section 16a-38c - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-38d - Energy conservation projects: Definitions
- Section 16a-38e - Designation of priority energy projects. Regulations. Criteria. Report
- Section 16a-38f - Agency decision outlines
- Section 16a-38g - Decision schedule
- Section 16a-38h - Buildings leased to state. Energy requirements
- Section 16a-38i - Reduction of energy use in state buildings
- Section 16a-38j - Equipment for use in state buildings; criteria established by regulations
- Section 16a-38k - Building construction standards for new construction or renovation of certain state facilities. Regulations. Exemptions
- Section 16a-38l - Management of energy use in state buildings. Strategic plan
- Section 16a-38m - Bond authorization for energy services projects or renewable energy or combined heat and power projects in state buildings
- Section 16a-38n - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-38o - Bond authorization for energy services projects or renewable energy or combined heat and power projects in state buildings
- Section 16a-38p - Bond authorization for energy services projects or renewable energy or combined heat and power projects in state buildings
- Section 16a-38q - Eligible photovoltaic contractors under solar photovoltaic rebate program
- Section 16a-38r - Building decarbonization projects in buildings or facilities owned or leased by the state; definitions
- Section 16a-39 - Lighting standards for public buildings. Regulations. Inspections. Lighting grants to municipalities
- Section 16a-39a - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-39b - Periodic meeting re opportunities for energy savings by the state
- Section 16a-40 - Definitions
- Section 16a-40a - Energy Conservation Loan Fund
- Section 16a-40b - Revolving loans and deferred loans for energy-conserving installations in residential structures. Revolving loans for secondary heating systems and conversions of primary heating systems in dwellings heated primarily by electricity. Program for multifamily dwellings. Regulations. Electric distribution and gas company participation
- Section 16a-40c - State bonds for purposes of the Energy Conservation Loan Fund
- Section 16a-40d - Bond authorization for the Energy Conservation Loan Fund and the Green Connecticut Loan Guaranty Fund
- Section 16a-40e - Green Connecticut Loan Guaranty Fund
- Section 16a-40f - Green Connecticut Loan Guaranty Fund program
- Section 16a-40g - Commercial sustainable energy program
- Section 16a-40h - Reserved for future use
- Section 16a-40i - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-40j - Bond authorization
- Section 16a-40k - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-40l - Residential heating equipment financing program. Definitions. Energy savings infrastructure pilot program. Financial incentives. Loans
- Section 16a-40m - Residential clean energy on-bill repayment program
- Section 16a-41 - Applications for and written summaries of energy conservation, energy assistance and renewable resources programs. Regulations. Needs of persons residing in rental housing and persons of poverty status
- Section 16a-41a - Implementation of block grant program authorized under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act. Annual plan. Program for purchase of deliverable fuel at a reduced rate for low-income households. Annual reports. Payment of fuel vendors
- Section 16a-41b - Low-Income Energy Advisory Board
- Section 16a-41c - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-41d to 16a-41g - Reserved for future use
- Section 16a-41h - Energy assistance program funded through electric distribution company, gas company and municipal utility customer donations
- Section 16a-41i - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-42 to 16a-42h - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-43 - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-44 and 16a-44a - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-44b - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-44c - Bond authorization
- Section 16a-44d - Validation of certain actions
- Section 16a-45 - Oil burner inspection and retrofit as condition of receipt of energy or fuel assistance
- Section 16a-45a to 16a-46c - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-46d - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-46e - Rebate program for residential furnace or boiler replacement
- Section 16a-46f - Rebate program for residential furnace or boiler repair or upgrade
- Section 16a-46g - Residential energy audit subsidy program for homes not heated by electricity or natural gas
- Section 16a-46h - Home Energy Solutions program audits
- Section 16a-46i - Natural gas and heating oil conversion program
- Section 16a-46j - Energy efficiency fuel oil furnace and boiler replacement, upgrade and repair program
- Section 16a-46k - Weatherization standards and procedures. Energy efficiency audits re rental assistance program
- Section 16a-46l - Home Energy Solutions audit information for recipients of funds from Operation Fuel, Incorporated and agencies administering state fuel assistance programs
- Section 16a-46m - Energy efficiency retrofit grant program for affordable housing. Applications. Report
- Section 16a-47 - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-47a - State-wide energy efficiency and outreach marketing campaign
- Section 16a-47b - Real-time energy reports
- Section 16a-47c - State-wide energy efficiency and outreach account
- Section 16a-47d - Real-time energy alert system
- Section 16a-47e - Capacity deficiency customer notification procedure
- Section 16a-48 - Energy efficiency standards for products
- Section 16a-49 - Conservation and load management program. Return on expenditures in acquiring energy conservation measures from private power provider
- Section 16a-50 - [Repealed]
- Section 16a-51 - Pilot program for large combined heat and power systems re demand charges. System performance and supplemental utility data. Report. Aggregation of electric meters
- Section 16a-52 to 16a-99 - Reserved for future use