Section 14-288 - Lights, reflectors and brakes on bicycles, electric bicycles and electric foot scooters. Whistle emitting devices prohibited(a) Each bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter operated upon the public highway, during the times or under the conditions as provided in subsection (a) of section 14-96a, shall display a lighted lamp upon the forward part of such bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter. Such lamp shall, when lighted, emit a white light which in clear weather shall be visible at a distance of not less than five hundred feet in the direction in which such bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter is proceeding. Each bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter shall also, at all times, be equipped with a reflector or reflecting tail light lens, which reflector or lens shall be attached to the rear of such bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter in such manner as to reflect rays of light thrown upon the same, and such reflector or reflecting tail shall be visible at a distance of not less than six hundred feet from the rear when illuminated by the head lamps of a motor vehicle. Such bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter shall also be equipped with reflective material so placed and of sufficient size and reflectivity to be visible from both sides of such bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter at a distance of not less than six hundred feet when illuminated by the head lamps of a motor vehicle. Each bicycle, electric bicycle or electric foot scooter shall also, at all times, be equipped with a braking device sufficient to enable the operator thereof to stop within twenty-five feet on dry, level and clean pavement when moving at a speed of ten miles per hour. No person shall equip a bicycle, an electric bicycle or an electric foot scooter with a siren or device which emits a whistle or use a siren or device which emits a whistle while operating a bicycle, an electric bicycle or an electric foot scooter.(b) Operation of a bicycle, an electric bicycle or an electric foot scooter in conflict with any provision of this section shall be an infraction.Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-288
(1949 Rev., S. 2507; 1955, S. 1381d; 1959, P.A. 62, S. 9; P.A. 75-577, S. 111, 126; P.A. 77-375, S. 5; P.A. 18-165, S. 14.)
Amended by P.A. 19-0162,S. 14 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2019 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2019.Amended by P.A. 18-0165, S. 14 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2018 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2018. Cited. 189 C. 611.