Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-230
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-230
(1955, S. 1382d; 1957, P.A. 53; P.A. 75-577, S. 73, 126; P.A. 87-525, S. 2; P.A. 15-41, S. 6; P.A. 18-165, S. 7.)
Annotations to former section: Defendant is not liable for accident unless he was negligent. 40 C. 560; 67 C. 47. Violation of law by plaintiff, to constitute a defense, must have contributed to cause collision. 59 C. 20; 63 C. 155; 89 C. 329; Id., 701. One may drive to left side of road if he has business there, using ordinary and reasonable care to avoid collision. 67 Conn. 47. Duty to drive on right side of road exists only when a person or vehicle approaches. 81 C. 499; 107 C. 710. The "rule of the road" does not apply on established racetrack with special driving rules. 91 C. 341. High degree of care is required of one crossing line of traffic going in opposite direction. 109 C. 606. Charge concerning passing over to left of center of road approved. 111 C. 99. Right to drive on left is conditioned upon noninterference with approaching machines, upon proper use of left side, and upon reasonable care. 112 C. 606; 119 C. 180. Duty to turn to right when meeting another is conditioned on practicability. 112 Conn. 606. "Traveled portion" includes only that portion intended for normal travel. 114 C. 336. Excludes shoulders. 114 C. 341; Id., 651; 127 C. 340. Cited. 115 C. 116. Finding sustained that driving slightly to the left of center line was not proximate cause of collision. 116 C. 665. Turning to right may be "impracticable" because of situations created by the person met. 123 C. 127. Not a violation when car crosses center line involuntarily and without fault of driver. 124 C. 226. Cited. 129 C. 379; 133 C. 554. Annotations to present section: Enumeration of exceptions to requirement that vehicles operate on the right should also include exception applicable when a vehicle is preparing for a left turn at an intersection in a case where an overtaking police vehicle has the right-of-way. 150 C. 349. Cited. 171 C. 35; 179 C. 388; 190 C. 285; 193 C. 442; 206 C. 608; 208 Conn. 94; 235 Conn. 614. Cited. 4 CA 451; 30 Conn.App. 810; 33 Conn.App. 44. Cited. 32 Conn.Supp. 650. Cited. 2 Conn. Cir. Ct. 569. Defendant's plea of guilty to failure to drive on right-hand side of road was not conclusive of his liability in a civil action in which he pleaded the defense of the contributory negligence of plaintiff and the trial court concluded both parties were negligent. 5 Conn. Cir. Ct. 123.
See Sec. 14-99 re requirement that drivers of commercial vehicles drive at extreme right to allow others to pass. See Sec. 14-111g re operator's retraining program.