Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 14-12 - Motor vehicle registration. Application. Issuance by dealers. Misrepresentation. Registration number and certificate. Requirements for registration. Regulations. Temporary registration. Number of registered electric vehicles
- Section 14-12a - Registration of certain motor vehicles garaged or operated in Connecticut
- Section 14-12b - Presentation of insurance identification card or policy and statement that minimum security will be continuously maintained required for issuance of registration. Investigation of violations
- Section 14-12c - Verification of security coverage. Penalties for failure to have or continuously maintain required security or for presentation of fraudulent insurance identification card
- Section 14-12d and 14-12e - [Repealed]
- Section 14-12f - Provisions inapplicable to certain vehicles
- Section 14-12g - Suspension of motor vehicle registration for violation of mandatory security requirements. Suspension of motor vehicle operator's license. Consent agreements
- Section 14-12h - Maintenance and compilation of record of all suspended registrations. Availability. Stop and detain procedures. Removal of plates. Seizure, impoundment and forfeiture of vehicle
- Section 14-12i - Restoration fees. Reimbursement to entities returning confiscated registration number plates to the department
- Section 14-12j - Agreements with qualified independent contractors to provide consulting and other services
- Section 14-12k - Regulations
- Section 14-12l - [Repealed]
- Section 14-12m and 14-12n - [Repealed]
- Section 14-12o - Courtesy registration when proof of ownership pending
- Section 14-12p - Reserved for future use
- Section 14-12q - Vehicle identification card
- Section 14-12r - Inspection of vehicle identification number
- Section 14-12s - Administrative fee
- Section 14-12t - Regulations
- Section 14-13 - Registration certificate and insurance identification card to be carried in vehicle
- Section 14-14 - Registration of motor vehicles owned by minors. Proof of financial responsibility
- Section 14-15 - Leasing or renting of motor vehicles. Electronic issuance or transfer of registration. Electronic renewal of registration
- Section 14-15a - Registration of vehicles leased or rented for use in Connecticut
- Section 14-15b - Motor vehicle rental contracts. Required notice re collision damage waiver. Prohibited sales and advertising practice
- Section 14-15c - Repossession of rented motor vehicles by rental companies
- Section 14-15d - Electronic issuance of registration or certificate of title
- Section 14-16 - Transfer of ownership. Designation of beneficiary. Fees. Penalties
- Section 14-16a - Inspection of older vehicles before or upon transfer of ownership. Historical or special interest fire apparatus. Antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles. Modified antique or composite motor vehicles
- Section 14-16b - [Repealed]
- Section 14-16c - Insurance companies', persons', firms' or corporations' duties re totalled vehicles and certificates of title. Operation and inspection of totalled vehicles. Regulations
- Section 14-17 - Notice of change in appearance or equipment
- Section 14-17a - Notice of change in registrant's address
- Section 14-17b - Notice from United States Postal Service re change of address. Powers of commissioner
- Section 14-18 - Display of number plates and stickers. Issuance of sample number plates. Return of number plates to commissioner
- Section 14-19 - Registration of fire apparatus
- Section 14-19a - Regulations re issuance of special number plates to members of qualifying organizations. Issuance and renewal of collegiate special number plates. Discontinuance of special number plates
- Section 14-19b - Issuance and renewal of collegiate commemorative number plates. Fees. Establishment of account
- Section 14-20 - Number plates for antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles. Issuance of number plates corresponding to year of manufacture. Registration. Regulations
- Section 14-20a - Number plates for volunteer firefighters
- Section 14-20b - Number plates for veterans, members of the armed forces and members of the Hmong Laotian special guerilla units. Return and nonrenewal of number plates
- Section 14-20c - Number plates for immediate family of residents killed in action with armed forces
- Section 14-20d - Veteran plates
- Section 14-21 - Number plates for amateur radio licensees
- Section 14-21a - [Repealed]
- Section 14-21b - Issuance of reflectorized number plates. Display. Infraction
- Section 14-21c - Number plates for manufacturers of motor vehicles or automotive equipment
- Section 14-21d - Prisoner of war and congressional medal of honor registration and number plate
- Section 14-21e - Number plates commemorating Long Island Sound. Voluntary lighthouse preservation donation. Fees. Voluntary habitat restoration donation. Regulations
- Section 14-21f - Keep Kids Safe number plates. Fees. Regulations
- Section 14-21g - Keep Kids Safe account
- Section 14-21h - Number plates for animal population control. Fees. Regulations
- Section 14-21i - Greenways commemorative number plates. Fees. Greenways commemorative account. Regulations
- Section 14-21j - Amistad commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations
- Section 14-21k - Amistad commemorative account
- Section 14-21l - Olympic Spirit commemorative number plates. Fees
- Section 14-21m - Olympic Spirit commemorative account
- Section 14-21n - State and municipal police officers killed in the line of duty memorial number plates. Fees
- Section 14-21o - United We Stand commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations
- Section 14-21p - United We Stand commemorative account
- Section 14-21q - Childhood cancer awareness commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations
- Section 14-21r - Childhood cancer awareness account
- Section 14-21s - Wildlife conservation commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations
- Section 14-21t - [Repealed]
- Section 14-21u - Support Our Troops! commemorative number plates. Fees. Support Our Troops! account
- Section 14-21v - Support for nursing profession commemorative number plates. Fees. Nursing account
- Section 14-21w - Share the Road commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations. Share the Road account. Use of image
- Section 14-21x - Men's Health commemorative number plates. Fees. Regulations. Men's Health account
- Section 14-21y - Hartford Whalers commemorative number plates
- Section 14-21z - Save Our Lakes commemorative number plates. Fees
- Section 14-21aa - Connecticut Lakes, Rivers and Ponds Preservation account
- Section 14-21bb - Aquatic Invasive Species fee. Requirements for payment of fee
- Section 14-22 - Expiration and renewal
- Section 14-22a to 14-22e - Reserved for future use
- Section 14-22f - Cancellation of motor vehicle registration in error or failure to maintain accurate record of registration. Remedies
- Section 14-23 - Refunds on registrations to persons in armed forces
- Section 14-24 - Heavy duty trailers. Heavy construction equipment. Gross weight of tractor-trailer units
- Section 14-25 - Registration not required for trailers used as parade floats
- Section 14-25a - Identifying registration certificate and marker for certain construction equipment
- Section 14-25b - Registration of vehicle as special mobile equipment or special mobile agriculture vehicle
- Section 14-25c - Registration of motor vehicle used as a student transportation vehicle. Distinctive marker plates
- Section 14-25d - Registration of DUKW or similar amphibious vehicle. Restrictions or prohibitions imposed by traffic authority
- Section 14-26 - Motor or service buses, taxicabs, school buses, motor vehicles in livery service and school buses used in part in livery service
- Section 14-27 - Number plates for public service motor vehicles
- Section 14-27a - Number plates for vanpool vehicle. Minimum insurance requirements
- Section 14-28 - Passenger motor vehicle plates for livery cars or taxicabs
- Section 14-29 - Owners of motor or service buses, taxicabs, school buses, school transportation vehicles and motor vehicles in livery service to furnish insurance or bond
- Section 14-29a - Registration of motor vehicles over ten years old as taxicabs prohibited
- Section 14-30 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-31 - Refund of registration fees for motor vehicles with commercial registration unfit for use
- Section 14-32 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-33 - Renewal of registration denied for failure to pay motor vehicle property tax or fines for parking violations. Collection of delinquent property tax by commissioner. Issuance of temporary registrations by city, town, borough or other taxing district
- Section 14-33a - Notice to commissioner of tax payment
- Section 14-34 - Reciprocity of registration
- Section 14-34a - Reciprocal agreements apportioning the registration of commercial vehicles
- Section 14-35 - Transporter's registration
- Section 14-35a - Restrictions on owner of motor vehicle with suspended registration. Prohibitions on operation of motor vehicle by motor carrier. Penalties