Conn. Gen. Stat. § 13b-336
Each person, firm or corporation operating or controlling any railroad running through or within the state shall equip each of its track motor cars, used during the period from thirty minutes before sunset to thirty minutes after sunrise, with an electric headlight of such construction and with sufficient candlepower to render plainly visible, at a distance of not less than three hundred feet in advance of such track motor car, any track obstruction, landmark, warning sign or grade crossing, and shall equip such track motor car with a red rear electric light of such construction and with sufficient candlepower as to be plainly visible at a distance of three hundred feet. Any person, firm or corporation operating or controlling any railroad running through or within this state using or permitting to be used on its lines in this state a track motor car in violation of the provisions of this section shall be fined one hundred dollars for each violation.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 13b-336
(1951, S. 2612d.)