Whenever the total funds invested for any income year by any company or companies in a program conducted by a nonprofit organization approved under this chapter, are equivalent to twenty-five thousand dollars or more, the organization conducting such program shall have a postproject audit prepared and submitted for certification to the municipal agency designated to oversee the implementation of such program. The required certification shall verify that such expenditures were made in accordance with the program as proposed by such organization and approved by the department. Such audit shall be submitted by the municipal agency to the Commissioner of Revenue Services, including certification that expenditures were made in accordance with the program as proposed. The commissioner shall review each postproject audit. If, upon such review, evidence of fraud or embezzlement is found, the commissioner shall report such information to the state's attorney for the judicial district in which such audited organization is located. If, upon such review, evidence of any unsound or irregular financial practice in relation to commonly accepted accounting standards is found, the commissioner may make an audited organization's programs ineligible for future investment by business firms under this chapter.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 12-637a
(P.A. 86-269, S. 1, 10; P.A. 89-328, S. 4, 6; P.A. 93-262, S. 1, 87; P.A. 95-268, S. 9, 11.)